Chapter 15

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Losaine's POV

Have you ever had a friend who cried in such a way that it makes you uncomfortable to comfort them? Usually girls are the one that cry. What about the boys? Yes, boys. Crying in such a pain that you can't think of any way to decrease their pain.

The silence stretched as Niccolo bend down after telling his story. The way he hid his face told me that he was crying. The reason behind a boy crying has much pain than a girl's. Or so I've heard.

I was surprised, at first, when he went from shouting to murmuring his story. It was like he was reminding himself more than telling me. He lost his family. I couldn't imagine what would have happened if I was in his place. I'd love to get ten times more revenge than he wants. The pain in his eyes..............

"It wasn't me." He looked at me with surprised eyes. Even I was surprised, I was never the one to break a silence. But here, I had to. "It could never be me. Violence is never my thing. And how could I have even done it as in your childhood, I'd have also been young. How could you think I'd do that? Who told you?"

"Your family and you." He corrected, ignoring my question. "Before I thought you were just some snotty, rich, obnoxious kid who gave the idea to her family to ruin other's life and corrupt their money." He admitted, embarrassed, which really got me pissed.

"Corrupt other's money! How could you even think that? How can you decide what type of person she is without understanding her! And to think that I liked you-" Wait! Did I just blurt that out?

"You like me?" I like him?

"I liked you." I lied. "Now how could I love someone who blames murders on me that I hadn't even done!"

"You love me?"

Did I blurt another thing out?

"Who said that?"

"You just said-"

"The point is....."I drawled out, cutting him off. "You accused me of something that doesn't even occur in my mind!"

"I'm sorry. It's just that my family had died without reason. They hadn't done anything wrong ever. And no, even my brother didn't do anything. I just told you he was involved in theft to lure you into admitting the truth.", he admitted as I was beginning to open my mouth. "Again, I'm sorry. I just wanted the murderer to suffer the way my family did, trapped inside that house." His eyes looked hazy again and I guessed he was remembering the past.

He did look sorry. But........

I sighed. "I know you're sorry. But I can't just forgive someone who accused my family of murder."

His face fell but he gave a weak smile. "I understand. And I'll do anything to win your friendship back. Or even your love." He told the last part quietly, as if just talking to himself. "I'll be lucky if you even want to talk to me. But I'll do everything I can."

My heart just swelled at this sweet promise of his. No matter how hard I try to hate him, I know that I couldn't ever. "I'm sure you will. My family is everything to me. I have no relatives, or atleast that's what my parents say. My parents have supported me in my every decision that sometimes it even makes me wonder when they'll start scolding me. But they're the most caring and I can't stand anyone saying anything bad about them. I know I sound like I'm bragging, but they really are the best."

He gave a weak chuckle. "Well, I'll never remember what 'the best parents' mean."

I gasped. That's not what I meant! Stupid stupid Los! Think before you speak. Or in my case, never speak because I always get something wrong.

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