Chapter 31

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I started towards the door but I heard a gunshot behind me that made me freeze. This was the first time I was trembling since I came here.They had guns and who know what weapons hidden everywhere.

That's when I made the mistake of turning around and peeking through a door. I didn't like what I saw.

My mother, my father, Amelie and even the woman that gave me the letter were gagged and kneeling down. How did I get myself into this? It was okay when it was just Niccolo and me who were trapped but involving my family into this...

My eyes met Niccolo's just as we heard Gabriel ordering us to come out. Niccolo gestured with his head, telling me to go.

"Go and distract them", Niccolo told me. "Michael is there, too. He doesn't hesitate to kill people. I don't know about Gabriel though. He's become chubbier but merciless."

I looked back carefully to where everyone was and if I hadn't been careful, I wouldn't have seen the person hugged by a dark cloak. He was talking to a man I didn't know.

What was he, a vampire?

"There's a person tied here.That has to mean that person knows something." Nic looked over me and at the entrance of the building. "Quick, his people are coming! Go!"

I turned right when the men entered the building. I had my hands raised above me in a surrendering position and shifted forward so that there was no chance of them seeing Niccolo, who was inside the room untying the bound person.

"Found her!", a gruff voice informed.

"Her? Where's Niccolo?", Michael was quick to respond. It was the first time I heard his voice and in that moment I understood that the 'His voice itself scares me' phrase that I had sometimes heard wasn't an exaggeration.

I panicked, not knowing what to do, and thought of the one thing that has a possibility to make them leave. It was a 0.00001% hope, but a hope nonetheless.

"He went to pee", I blurted and had the strongest urge to slap myself, but of course I didn't.

One of the men laughed, another one scoffed but the rest of them were actually considering the idea.

"You expect us to believe that?",the man scoffed again.

"Why?", I asked with a challenging look. "You don't pee?"

That caught him offguard. "I do but..."

He was speechless. I took pleasure in the moment of victory while the other men debated on what to do.

"Bring the girl out", the same gruff voice ordered and just when I thought he believed my lie, he said,"And search the building for the boy. Whether he's peeing or not."

When they reached for me, instinctively I ran towards the opposite direction. Did my subconsious mind think I could outrun them?

It was like running infront of dogs, no use but just provokes them to chase you faster for no reason. But atleast I was able to take them to the other side. They probably thought I was running away to Niccolo. It bought him more time to untie the person.

That reminds me, what was he doing? Were the knots so difficult to untie? It seemed like ages had gone since I left him there. I was worried that I would probably be chewed raw before Nic could save me.

But what if he was already caught? He said Michael killed easily and Gabriel got merciless. What if they found-

My train of useless thoughts stopped as I saw more men running towards me from the side I was running to. The bad thing about this place was that all the buildings were connected to each other. As I turned to the other side, I slammed into a body. A huge one. A hand wrapped around my wrist with a vice-like grip that, I was sure, wasn't Niccolo's.

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