Chapter 7

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It was Sunday morning. I was lying on my bed thinking about, yup you guessed it right, Niccolo. It's a wonder how someone who leaves you in reality stays in your mind more than you like it. He is becoming more of a mystery. I highly doubt that Niccolo is Zack because Zack texted me yesterday night. And knowing that he'd have to meet me, I don't think Niccolo would text me.

I wasn't so interested in meeting Zack anymore but still curious about who he was. Scarlett came to comfort me when she heard me sobbing on the phone.........I know, stupid me to sob on the phone but I couldn't help it. I've never been this hurt before because I'd never liked someone like this. Of course celebrity crushes don't count. I'm still mad at Niccolo so I've decided to not talk to him at all till he explains.

Well, one thing I've learned is the more you deny it, the more it hurts. 

"C'mon, Los. Just come out. I'm sure you look great."

I looked at myself. I was wearing a summery dress which was too bright and colourful. "Scarlett, could you please pick out a dress that attracts less attention?" I asked, exhasperated.

"Los! You're meeting the boy for the first time. First impression is always important!" Okay well, I told her about that also while wailing yesterday. Remind me never to cry infront of her when I have secrets.

"Technically, he told me that he has known me well in the past days and I know him well too."

"That's the thing everyone says." She says, waving her hand to dismiss the subject.

I sighed, knowing that she'll never give up with that look of determination.

"Los. I know you still like Niccolo and I'm not gonna tell you 'I told ya so' though I do want to say it..........anyways, I'm saying that if he doesn't like you the same way then someone else will. Though I don't know what's the reason of Niccolo's crazy mood swings, this Zach guy took the first step and asked you out. I think you should go for it." She smiled at the end.

I smiled back. Of course I can do this. I can take my mind off him. He's just a boy that I liked and I'm sure I'd find more of them, right?


Here I was walking to the cafe, still thinking about him. I hadn't realized but I spent too much time with Niccolo this week and everytime I see a place we went to, I remember him. I've got a little hope that maybe this Zack will take my mind off him. This hope was the only thing that kept me walking. Otherwise, I was in no mood of meeting other people.

I was wearing a white cardigan though it was a sunny day. But the bright day was not enough to brighten my mood. I had a feeling that just like my heart, the clouds will start blocking the warm light, darkening the sky. Seriously, I could be a freaking poet right now with the way I'm talking.

I sighed as the cafe came into view. I could see through the windows that there weren't many people today. Zack had texted to inform me that he will be the one wearing jeans and a white button up shirt. 

I walked into the cafe. The waitress there gave me a warm, familiar smile. "Hello, Los. Where are your friends, today?"

I smiled at her. "Actually, I'm here to meet someone else so, my friend didn't come."

"Oh. Well, are you searching for that guy then?" She said pointing to a corner of the cafe. "He said he's here to meet a girl for a date." I blushed at that and looked to where she was pointing. Sure enough there was a guy resembling the description Zack gave.

I nodded. "Yeah, I think so." I gave her a last smile and started walking towards the guy.

The curiosity came back to me. His hair was tamed so.......that couldn't be Niccolo because Niccolo had messed up hair which was impossible to put it like that guy had. But I couldn't help but remember a guy who can do it like that.........

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