Chapter 12

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It was dark when I reached my home. I had gone to Niccolo's, again. Well, it's been a few days since I planned to go there. But there was one thing stopping me.

Fate. Fate was the reason he was in the bathroom one day. Fate was the reason he was in their backyard yesterday. Ugh! Who am I kidding? I had chickened out and the same thing is happening again.

 Today he's doing..........nothing. Ahhhh! He's doing nothing, just sitting on a couch and watching out of the window in his room, which faced my direction. While he squinted his eyes when he saw me, I was mentally panicking, and standing still and spreading my arms so that I looked like a tree from far away.

Of course that didn't work when I heard him call out my name but no hurt in trying, right? So I kept standing still until he dissapeared from the window. Then I breathed out a sigh of relief.....that was until a figure from the door of the backyard came running to me.

In an instinct, I started running to the opposite direction, which apparently was towards the house. When I went into the house and locked the door, I breathed heavily. Man, was I out of shape! 

There was some banging and shouted on the other side of the door. It was like deja vu, like in Niccolo's bathroom. How funny! Same house but different person.

The noise slowly got quiet and I peeked through the curtain of the nearest window.

"Um, miss? Can I help you with anything?"

The voice behind me startled me and I jumped. There was a maid behind me. I turned around and cleared my throat.

"Um, Is Niccolo home?"

She nodded slowly, eyeing me suspiciously. "I'll go check first."

Before I could respond she was gone. I peeked out of the window to see again but saw nobody. Phew! I was just getting paranoid by watching that horror movie last night.

As soon as she was gone, the door burst open and in came storming Niccolo. I guess the maid unlocked it again when I was looking out. Stupid maid!

I was confused as to why he was acting like that. Then he abrubtly turned around and came to me in three swift steps.

Awww! The angry face looked cute on him.

"Why the hell do you have to lock a door keeping me outside everytime?!"

I was confused before the realization hit me. My mouth made an 'O' shape when I realized that the stalker was Niccolo, well he wasn't a stalker but you get what I mean.

"Oh, so it was you?"But I became angry again. "Well, it's your fault for scaring me." I crossed my arms in front of my chest.

"I'm not the one who locked someone out of their own house."

"Well, I'm not the one who ran towards someone from behind, scaring the hell out of them after they watched some horror movie the night before."

My. Big. Stupid. Mouth. Why did I have to tell him that?

He opened his mouth but paused. I could see an amused glint in his eye and his mouth twitching up waiting to be turned into a smile.

I heard footsteps and saw the maid coming back again, with a confused look.

"Uh...I found him....hiding?"I told her, but it was more like a question. But I didn't want to tell anyone that I locked the owner out of his own house. That's simply asking to be kicked out and I really really need to do what I came here for. 

I pulled Niccolo, who gave me a 'are you kidding me' look, up the stairs and to the first room. His room downstairs had no privacy and never would I want that........for any purpose. 

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