Chapter 24

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My eyes......they hurt. Why are they covered so tightly, I thought as I tried to open my eyes but the cloth around my eyes were so tight that I gave up quickly.

I couldn't even feel my body. My hands, my legs. They were tied up. I guessed that I might have been unconscious for a long time, seeing that my body had started to feel numb from staying like that.

I tried to gather my memory of how I ended up tied, and snorted. Had they seriously placed that chloroform cloth on my mouth just to make me unconscious? And why do they need me unconscious? It's not like a conscious me would be able to kick their asses.

Now I'm regretting the time I refused to take karate classes.

" crazy? She's'!"

I started hearing some voices, which I'm guessing were outside the room door because I could only figure out half of the words, but I could hear them coming near. Atleast my ears weren't covered.

"If I.......I'd stop...right now...", an older voice said.

As the voices started becoming nearer and clearer, I was able to recognize them. Yesterday's memory came flooding back to me and a pang of betrayal hit my heart.

Niccolo doesn't even know what hit him.

I bit my lip and tried to stop the sobs building inside me. I heard the jiggling of the key lock and stayed still.

The door opened and I realized that the argument those two were having was already stopped.

"Is she awake?", the older voice said.

"Only one way to find out", the wicked younger voice said.

Before I could do anything, a hand slapped me across my face and I screamed in pain and surprise.

He chuckled. "Yes, she is."

Someone ripped the cloth binding my eyes. It took me a while to open my eyes properly.

I just wanted to lunge at them when they came into view, but I settled for just glaring.

"Gabriel", I gritted out.

The fat man simply smiled. "Ah it's nice to meet you again, miss."

I scoffed. "That makes one of us."

Zack started advancing towards me but Gabriel held his arm out to stop him.

"Relax, her mouth is her only weapon right now. Nick is coming soon. It will be quite a sight to see them die together. Let her use it before it becomes totally useless."

They both laughed like it's some kind of Joke and started heading out.

"Wait! Isn't this the part where I get my answers!?", I shouted.

Gabriel turned back and looked at me with a bored face before telling Zack to go on. Once Zack went, he closed the door and walked towards me.

"Since it looks like your last wish, and also the fact that I like this part of being the villain, I'll answer one of your questions.", he said as if he was doing me a favor.

I knew what I had to ask.

"Why are you doing this?", I asked in a small voice.

"What? Kidnapping you? That goes a long way back-"

"No. To Niccolo. Why are you doing this to him?", I interrupted his story.

He seemed to be taken aback. "You....don't care about why you were kidnapped?"

"I do. But this is more important."

He laughed bitterly. "Putting your lover in first, I see. Aw, I'm feeling tears in my eyes. I think we're about to be witnessing another Romeo and Juliet scene when you both die, don't you think?", he said sarcastically. "This is bound to happen because he'd be of no help to me anymore. He, somehow, decided to leave my work so it can't be guaranteed that he won't spread a word about this. It would've been a lot easier if he just believed you were the murderer and brought you to me. Now, because of you he has to die."

"Wh-", I cleared my raspy voice and wiped my teary eyes before starting again,"What do you want from me?"

"Death of course.", he chuckled but I knew he was more than serious.

"What have I done?"

"Nothing.....Losaine, do you know that we humans want something that we can't have the most? Well, let's just say you have that something with you and for me to get it, I'd have to kill you.", he said as he grinned maliciously.

"Do you want my money? I'll give you all but just let us go!", I nearly screamed, exhasperated with everything.

He raised an eyebrow. "Partly? Yes, I do want your money. But along with that I want revenge. That's not something you can hand to me on a silver platter."

I was desperately trying to find a way. "B-but you can-"

"ENOUGH QUESTIONS!", he suddenly shouted. An unfamiliar head poked through the doorway, nodded at Gabriel and left.

Gabriel smirked at me and went out of the room without saying anything.

It seemed hours since Gabriel left. I was hopeless because it was a double locked room with metal walls and door. I had tried to crawl around and look for ways to escape but I found none, either that or because of the fact that it was too dark to see.

I had just pulled myself up against a wall when the door opened. But nobody came in. I knew somebody was there by the sound of deep breathing from outside the room. Finally a woman came in with slow steps.

She was wearing a white gown. She was bruised but you could still see her angelic features. Golden brown hair swept around her head like a halo.

While I was taking her every feature in, she was observing me. When our eyes met, she gave me a warm smile. So warm that I felt secure inside the cold dark room.

Wow, am I dead now that an angel came to visit me?

"Lo-Losaine", she said as she slowly, almost cautiously, walked towards me. Her voice was raspy though. Like she had difficulty in speaking.

"Yes?", I replied. I didn't know what to expect. What if she told me I had played too many pranks, so I had to go to hell instead of heaven?

My mind should be arrested for thinking too many stupid things, shouldn't it?

"My daughter! Finally we'll be together!"

I just froze.

What did she say?

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