╰► 10: back home, tired

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a/n: everyone! please don't be a silent reader! feel free to
comment as much as you'd like! love lots (*¯ ³¯*)

leaving thailand again made ten want to cry. well, it's not like crying isn't one of his talents at this point.

he frowns when he remembers lisa holding onto him, asking if he really has to go. much to their disappointment, he has to go and earn money so that they all can live comfortably.

the plane ride makes ten nervous, and for a different reason. he gets to see johnny and the kids, but there's also yoomin who still looks like she wants to tear out his guts.

the omega frowns, leaning back into his seat. he's got an hour left on his plane ride, so he decides to listen to some music while he's at it.

he remembers bambam telling him about this group named nct, and ten has to admit— they've got amazing songs. some of them are questionable, like the one about whips and the one about one night stands, but he likes their music. bambam tells him he still prefers got7 though.

as ten finishes listening to 'love talk' once again, the plan finally lands and everyone is now getting up from their seats, stretching and picking up their stuff.

he groggily gets off the plane, and heads to passport control. the person there makes small talk, to which ten replies with short answers, exhausted from the 5 hour flight— plus he didn't get enough sleep last night (drinking party before ten would have to go back to korea).

he speeds through baggage claim, hoping that his bag wasn't stolen or left behind. thankfully, it's still there— the same charcoal gray luggage bag that he had gotten for himself. the name tag is a little cat face with his number and name on the other side.

walking through the waiting area now, he tries to look for anyone he recognizes. until, someone catches his short legs. he looks down to find someone even shorter than him with straight, brown hair and one with curly, brown hair.

"uncle ten is back!" yangyang squeals and ten giggles, crouching down. his heart flutters, hugging the two tiny children. "hey cubs! what are you doing here?" he asks, pulls away from the two. "we came to pick you up, of course! papa is here too!" yangyang points at the man walking towards them.

ten stands up, smiling up at the alpha. johnny's got his hands in his bomber jacket, bag slung around his torso. "nice to see you again, mr. suh." ten comes closer to pull the latter into a hug.

why? he doesn't even know. he just feels like it's the right thing to do. johnny hugs back, and ten can smell the light fragrance of johnny's cologne; a cool and refreshing scent. his pheromones are the same, smelling so much like the ocean. ten's heart quickens.

the two pull apart and stare into each other's eyes. ten notices the beautiful brown color of johnny's eyes. they're light, and hazel-ish. they're so captivating to look at.

someone clearing their throat breaks the short little moment. ten looks behind johnny to find yoomin looking like she's about to pull off his scalp with her bare hands. those acrylics look painful too. stiletto. ten shudders internally.

"miss yoomin. nice to see you too," he awkwardly says. the woman forces out a smile, before turning away and rolling her eyes. gee, what crawled in her breakfast and died?

the twins latch onto ten's hands, yangyang holding ten's right hand and donghyuck holding the left. before he wonders about his luggage, a familiar face is already dragging it behind him.

"hey ten-nyang," seulgi smiles, patting his back lightly. "seulgi— it's been a while, huh?" the omega says and the other just chuckles. "it's been like... three weeks, hon. i heard that you caught the bouquet? did you know that there's a superstition that if you catch the bride's bouquet— you get to be the next one married?" she says.

𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 ; johnten Where stories live. Discover now