╰► 44: birthday happenings

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"bub," johnny's eyes flutter open to find ten gently shaking him awake.

the alpha hums, stirring around in his sport before he finally wakes up with a yawn that he covers with his hand. "good morning, bub." ten greets in a hushed voice. he looks heavenly with the sun light blooming all over the omega's petite frame.

ten's sat on the edge of his side of the bed, softly carding his nimble fingers through the alpha's raven locks. "morning, baby." johnny greets him with that sexy, husky voice that ten shamelessly tells him about how it makes his knees drop and how heat starts to pool in the pit of his belly (not infront of the kids, of course).

"happy birthday," ten tells him in a quiet, yet excited voice.

johnny smiles, sitting up on the bed. "thank you, baby." he says, pecking ten on the cheek. the omega pats his chest. "go freshen up— the kids are getting ready for school right now," ten tells him, standing up and brushing his own hair back. ten's wearing one of his nightgowns/muumuus, in a light shade of blue with clouds pattened all over it.

the alpha stands up from the bed and does his business, washes his face, brushes his teeth and all that stuff. when he walks out of the en-suite, ten is quietly making the bed with a small smile on his face.

he looks peaceful as he fluffs up the pillows in a not-so-peaceful way, and how he folds the blanket nicely so it can sit on the corner of the bed until needed.

"ready?" ten asks when he looks up. johnny nods, following ten out of their bedroom.

when they head downstairs, the kids are already sat at the table with minjeong pouring syrup on the kids' platets stacked with banana and blueberry pancakes.

"oh— good morning, papa." minjeong greets with a kiss on thr alpha's cheek. "happy birthday." she adds cheekily, handing him a plate of pancakes aswell. the top one had a smile face made out of blueberries that make him chuckle at the cuteness.

"happy birthday, papa! we made that for you!" yangyang exclaims animatedly, which makes ten's job of wiping off syrup from his cheeks a little difficult. "thank you, cubs. i'll eat this happily," he tells them, digging in.

"how about you, mama? not gonna eat?" minjeong turns to ten who shakes his head. "i already ate— which was most of the failed pancakes the twins tried to flip." he laughs, sipping his orange juice. he sits down on the chair next to minjeong and watched as the family ate happily in silence.

"make sure to come home early, okay kids? especially you hyuck— i know you keep on trying to bribe your uncle taeyong to go home with mark," ten raises a suspecting brow that yangyang and winter laugh at. donghyuck defensively shakes his head until he eventually gives up.

"but milk keeps ignoring me at school! whenever i talk to him, he keeps yelling at me to shut up and to leave him alone.." the younger twin pouts, sulking into his seat. thats catches ten and johnny's attention.

"eh? why so?" johnny asks, but hyuck only shrugs in response. this is definitely something that johnny and ten need to address with taeyong and jaehyun.

ten stands up and rounds the table, stopping right next to the younger twin. "sure school has been taking a toll on poor mark, which is probably why mark snapped at you. it's not your fault, hyuckie." ten comforts, fluffing his hair. the younger twin lets out a hum of acknowledgment before finishing his breakfast.

by the time the kids are done, ten is ushering them to go and get their things so they won't be late for school.

"bye mama! bye papa!" yangyang waves as he hops into doyoung's car. johnny and ten wave at the three as they pull out of the driveway on their way to school.

𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 ; johnten Where stories live. Discover now