╰► 31: meetings

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"so, lily called off her wedding? well, it's no wonder she hasn't said anything about it to us," ten shrugs, eating his chocolate cake.

his parents and sisters had left yesterday to go ahead and tour around korea, which is no surprise. the kids were happy to see their relatives and spent a good amount of time catching up before they left. cat had told ten that johnny seemed like a good guy with good intentions, and that she had liked him— while kyle was still unsure about how he feels for the alpha.

"yeah, her and her mate got into an argument while planning a two months back and they've been kinda unstable," mina replies, picking out some froot loops from her bowl. "as far as i know, lily flew back to macau to spend some time for herself and heal or something. she's with her family now, whoch is good. her mate? no news on him." mina adds,

it made ten wonder as to why lily hadn't sent any invitations or anything after preparing their wedding for so long. apparently, her and her fiancé were starting to become rocky even before the wedding. the omega frowns.

"johnny isn't gonna like the sound of that. i know how protective he is of that girl," seulgi laughs, enjoying her sandwich. "well, as long as she's doing okay, i'm fine with that," ten says, putting his dish in the sink.

he was waiting for johnny to finish getting ready since they had to go to the twins' school for a parent-teacher conference. johnny wanted to look all spicy, sexy and whatever which made ten hit him upside the head followed by a "don't start trying to attract women and men when i'm pregnant with your kid" in aggressive thai.

"ready to go, babe?" he hears the alpha ask behind him.

when ten turns around, his knees almost give out. johnny's wearing one of his more casual suits; a while inner shirt with a matching dark gray blazer and slacks. the first three buttons of the shirt are unbuttoned, and fuck, he smells amazing.

ten grips the counter tightly, glancing at mina and seulgi who wiggled their brows at him. "uh—uhm, yeah. let me go grab my bag then we can leave," ten replies, wadding to the kitchen island to grab his small sling bag, a gift his mom gave him yesterday as a congratulations gift.

johnny nods, waving at the two girls in the kitchen before heading out the house with ten.

"i haven't been to the kids' school in a while since i've gotten pregnant," it wasn't like ten couldn't move or something— if anything, he moves fine, it's just that....johnny can be a little protective and a little worrying sometimes. so instead of ten, the girls are the ones who pick up the kids from school now, usually taking turns.

johnny hums, smoothly driving out of the garage. there's nothing more attractive then seeing your man drive, ten thinks. he notices of johnny's slicked his hair back, which is pretty common since he does a similar hairstyle when he goes to work, but at home, he just lets his hair be free and crazy.

ten feels underdressed in comparison. his blue sweater paired with some black leggings made him look like a kid (or so that's what he thinks he looks like). his hair was still kept the same, having zero interest in attempting to style it unless it was incredibly necessary. his sandals make him feel like an old uncle, too.

"alot of the guys are going to be there," johnny says, stopping at a red light. that's no surprise since most of their kids go to the same school at the twins, so of course they're going to be there. "jaehyun was thinking about spending the rest of the afternoon out which is why i dressed up for the occasion," he adds, glancing at ten who glared at him. "what?" he cluelessly asks.

"if we're going to a place where i have to dress fancy, then i'm not going. you didn't even give me a heads-up about the attire. no wonder you look like you're channeling your inner christian grey," ten scoffs, looking out the window with a pout. he hears johnny chuckle before reaching out to grab his hand.

𝐧𝐚𝐧𝐧𝐲'𝐬 𝐚𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐝𝐚 ; johnten Where stories live. Discover now