Chapter 1

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A/N:Hey guys this is my first ever story so I'm sorry if I make any mistakes and I just want to set things straight before getting into the story. The idea of the story I got it from another story but mine will be different. Anyway I hope you guys enjoy the story.


Jane p.o.v

It was early in the morning about 6:30 to be exact and I was getting up to go take a shower. Now I know what alot of you are thinking why am I up so early especially the day before school. Well that's because of my mom. Hi I'm Jane and I'm the the daughter of Fairy Godmother. Yes the Fairy Godmother. Anyway enough about that after getting up and rubbing the tiredness out of my eyes I go to my closet and get my clothes put them on the bed and go take a shower.

15 minutes later.

After my shower I head to my bed and get dressed. Because I'm most likely to be running around doing errands for my mom I decided to keep my outfit cute but comfy. So I decided to wear a plain blue dress and sandals.

After getting changed and doing my hair in a simple ponytail I grab my phone and head out locking the door behind me. I wouldn't have needed to lock the door if Audrey were her but because she went on a trip with her family. I have to lock the door. 

Anyway as I walk through the empty hallway my phone start to ring. Wierd who would call me this early. I look at the caller id and it said Carlos 💕💕. I smile to myself of course it would be him. You see ever since we became official boyfriend and girlfriend Carlos would call or text me in the morning to say good morning I find it sweet. After I stop smiling I pick up the phone.

*Phone call*

C=Carlos and J=Jane

J:Hey Carlos.

C: Good morning Pumpkin.How are u this morning?

J:I'm great now that you called. What's up?

C: Nothing,just wanted to check on my beautiful girlfriend and say good morning.

J:Aww that's sweet.

C: Anyway what are you up to today? You know because I wanted to know if we can hang out later.

J:Um I'm helping my mom get everything ready for the first day of school tomorrow and making sure everything is ready for the new Vk's coming. But we can hang out afterwards maybe around I don't know 12:30.

C: Sure that's fine with me. Ok I need to go love you pumpkin. 

J:Love you too Car. Bye.

C:Bye pumpkin.

*Call ends*

*5 minutes later*

After talking to Carlos I reach my Mom's office and knock. After I knock she tells me to come in.

"Good morning Mom"I greet as I walk in.

"Good morning my darling"she greets back."How are you?"

"I'm good Mom."I reply."What do you need help with?"

"Um there a folder I need you to get for me."she says.

"Ok where is it?"I ask 

"It's in the building at the back of the school, you know where we store stuff."she replies.

I nod "What kind of folder is it?" I ask.

"It's a big dark blue folder. It should be in a box somewhere."she says

" Ok I'll go get it."I say

When my Mom nods go leave the room and head towards the storage building. But as I'm walking I can't shake off the feeling that someone's watching me.

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