Chapter 20

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* Carlos's p.o.v *

I was just sitting on my bed starring at the wall when I heard a knock. I don't move and just stare at the door.

" Carlos open up it's Mal and I." Evie said on the other side of the door.

I get up and head to the door. I open it and let them in once their in I close the door as we sit by the table in the room.

" How you feeling." Evie asked holding my hand.

" I'm feeling a lot of emotions. I'm hurt, I'm angry and I'm heartbroken." I answered.

" Carlos we're so sorry." Mal exclaimed.

" It's ok guys." I assured them. 

" So what are you gonna do now." Evie questioned.

" I don't know I guess I'm going to wait for Jane to make her decision." I replied.

" You still want to know who she chooses." Mal asked surprised.

" I mean yeah I won't really have closure if I don't know where I stand." I answered.

To be honest as much as I'm hurt and as much as I feel pain I still love her and can't stop thinking about what Lonnie said to me at the amusement park that night.

" Carlos do you still love her." Mal questioned.

" Would it be wrong if I said yes." I said.

" No it would mean you know who your true love is." Evie said with a smile.

" So what I'm I going to do." I asked them.

" You tell us."  Mal exclaimed.

Just then an idea popped into my head.

" I think I know what to do." I say getting up and heading to the door.

" Where are you going." They asked turning to me.

" I need to find Jane." I say standing by the door.

" Try her dorm room." Evie suggested.

" Bye guys I'll be back." I say running out the door.

Mal and Evie looked at each other before laughing.

* 15 minutes later *

I stand outside Jane's dorm before taking a deep breath and knocking on the door. I hear her walk up to the door and open it. 

She looks at me surprised and I don't know what came over me but I just grabbed her cheek and kiss her.

She was shocked at first but eventually kissed back, after a few more minutes we pull apart for air my my smile widens.

" Carlos what are you doing here." She asked still in shock.

" I just needed to make sure that you're my one true love." I exclaimed with a grin.

" And am I." She questioned nervously.

" Of course you are, but am I yours." I questioned taking a step back.

She doesn't answer me instead she just kisses me before pulling back.

" Most definitely." She replied smiling.

" I love you and I'm so sorry for everything." Jane apologized hugging me.

" I love you too and I forgive you." I replied hugging her back.

" Does this mean we're done taking a break." She questioned.

" I think it does." I  replied.

" But what about Jay and Lonnie." I asked remembering we weren't the only ones affected.

" I have an idea but we're going to need everyone's help." Jane exclaims.

" What is it." I asked.

Jane whispers the plan in my ear and I smiles. We both nod as we go and look for the others.

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