Chapter 16

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* Jane's p.o.v *

 I roll my eyes when I see Lonnie give Jay a kiss on the cheek. 

I can't believe her right now, I just saw kissing Diego and now she wants to act like nothing happened. Well not if I have anything to do about it.

" I can't believe this is our last day here." Evie exclaimed taking a bite of her pasta.

" Yeah this week went by so fast." Mal exclaimed laying her head on Ben's shoulder.

" I know right but it's been the best week of my life because I got to spend it with the ones I love and the one I love." Lonnie said looking at us and then at Jay smiling.

I just rolled my eyes and scoffed quietly.

" I love you too." Jay said giving Lonnie a passionate kiss on the lips

" Aww." The girls gushed.

" OK THAT'S IT. I CAN'T DEAL WITH THIS ANY MORE." I exclaimed angrily slamming my hands onto the table having enough of this.

Everyone looked at me shocked by my outburst.

" I'm sorry." Lonnie asked me confused.

" Jane what's wrong." Carlos asked.

" Lonnie she's what's wrong." I say pointing at her.

" Me." She exclaimed surprised.

" But she hasn't done anything wrong." Uma said confused.

" Nothing wrong so her kissing Diego is doing nothing wrong. Wow." I reply crossing my arms scoffing.

" What." The others say shocked.

" Lonnie is that true." Jay asked hurt.

" What of course not." Lonnie replies.

" Stop lying I saw you two." I say raising my voice.

" That's not what happened." She said getting frustrated.

" So Jane's lying. Is that what your trying to say." Jay says backing me up.

" I never said anything like that." She said raising her voice.

" Then answer the question did you or did you not kiss Diego." I asked her.

" I didn't kiss him he kissed me and besides I pushed him off." He explained.

" So we're you going to tell me about this." Jay questioned upset.

" Of course I was." Lonnie answered.

" When." Jay asked not believing her.

" When we we're alone because I was trying to avoid this." She answered.

" I don't believe you." I say looking at her.

" Jane shut up. This has nothing to do with you." She tells me getting really pissed off.

" Don't tell her to shut up. It's a good thing Jane told us about this because I don't think you would've told me about this." Jay defended. I smiled.

" Are you serious right now." Lonnie says 

" Guys I think we should all calm down." Mal suggested.

" No Mal I've had enough of Lonnie and her lying and secret keeping. When ever Lonnie's in the wrong you guys always brush it off." I tell her having enough of everyone always being on Lonnie's side.

" Lonnie's in the wrong what about you." Evie asked amazed.

" Jane hasn't done anything wrong." Jay replied.

" Really nothing. And what about you." Uma said backing Evie up.

" Why are you always defending her." Ben asked getting angry as well.

" What are you talking about." Jay asked genuinely confused.

" You. Whenever there's an argument you always defending Jane and taking her side and never mine. I'm always seen as the bad person and Jane is a sweet little angel." Lonnie said as tears welled up in her eyes.

" It's not my fault you don't know where your loyalties are at." I exclaimed sassingly.

" Loyalties. You want to talk about loyalties." Lonnie said in disbelief.

" Lonnie that's enough." Jay said warning her.

" No Jay Lonnie's right. I've tried to understand but Lonnie's right, the two of you seem to forget where your loyalties are at." Carlos said finally speaking up.

 " And to be honest I've had enough. That's why I want you to choose Jane. It is gonna be me or Jay." Carlos asked as everyone looked at me.

" I see you clearly need some time to think about this. So I'm out." He said standing up and walking away.

" Carlos." I called but he just kept walking.

" I think I've had enough. I'm going back to the house." Lonnie said throwing her napkin on the table and walking off as well with tears falling.

Uma and Ben immediately got up and followed her. I just sat stunned trying to process everything.

" I hope your happy Jane. You got what you wanted out of this situation." Mal exclaimed.

" I can't believe you two right now." Doug said dissapontedly.

" Come on guys let's go." Evie said standing up with the others while Jay just sat there.

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