Chapter 6

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* Jane's  p.o.v*

It's been a while since Lonnie since Lonnie left and she still hasn't come back after a few more minutes. Everyone left to get some food from the cafeteria except Jay. He said he wasn't hungry so he would stay with me till they come back with the food. I looked up at Jay and can't believe I never noticed how handsome he looks. With his perfect skin,chiseled face, bright smile, his long silky hair and his muscles. Oh not to mention his hazel eyes.

" You ok" Jay asked me leaning against the bedframe. And omg that voice. Wait! What am I thinking I have a boyfriend who is Jay's best friends and Jay is dating one of my closet friends. I get snapped back to reality when I feel strong warm hand's around me.

" Hello Jane I asked you a question." He said shaking me gently as he looks me in the eyes. I feel a blush crawl on my face as I see how close we are.

" I'm sorry what" I said.

" I asked if your ok" He said again.

" Oh yeah. I'm fine and it's all thanks to you. That's why I wanna say thank you for saving me had you not arrived when you did who... who kn.knows what Chad might of done to me." I say as tries start to fall and I start crying.

" Hey, hey, hey. Shhhh it's gonna be ok nothing happened ok." Jay said hugging me while rubbing my back up and down. We sat like that for a while and for some reason it felt so right.

After I had calmed down Jay held my hand and smiled and I couldn't help but smile back.

Just then we could hear the door open and Lonnie stepped in. She raised her eyebrows and looked at us in confusion as her eyes looked at a specific place. Jay and I followed her gaze and realized our hands were still together. Jay quickly got up and walked over to Lonnie.

" Hey guys. Umm where is everyone." Lonnie asked looking around akwardley.

" to get some food." Jay stuttered rubbing the back of his neck.

" Oh ok." Lonnie said kissing her teeth.

" So... Where were you. You left in quite a rush after you got that call. Who was that anyway."  I asked her but she tensed up when I asked.

" Um it was.." Lonnie said but got cut of by the door opening.

I saw her sigh in relief as the others came back. 'Odd' I thought.

" Oh hey. Your back" Mal said to Lonnie. And Lonnie nodded.

After that we stayed and talked for hours but I couldn't help think about when I was in Jay's embrace.

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