Chapter 2

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*Author's p.o.v*

As Jane was walking to the storage room she still felt someone was watching her but decided to not press on the matter and just keep walking. After a few minutes she finally made it to the back of the school where the storage room was and she walked up to the door and opened it.

*Jane p.o.v*

Once I entered the storage room I started looking for through boxes looking for the folder my Mom asked me to get. But it was too dark for me to see so I quickly took out my phone and switched my flashlight on. 

*25 minutes later* 

After searching for what seemed like forever I finally found the folder that my Mom asked me to find for her. I started dusting the folder off when I heard the door open behind me. I quickly turn back but there no one there weird. I go back to dusting off the folder thinking that the door was probably just opened by the wind. But boy was I wrong cause as I was dusting I heard a voice behind me.

"Hey Jane"the voice said.

I froze while dropping the folder that was in my hands. I slowly turn around to where the voice came from and let out a sigh of relief because the voice came from Chad.

"Chad,don't do that you almost scared the daylights out of me." I said while picking up the folder.

"Sorry Jane." He apologized"Didn't mean to scare you." 

"It's ok what's up?why are you here and why are you up this early?" I asked finding it weird that Chad is up so early.

"Um I was looking for you I wanted to talk about something." He exclaimed

" Ok shoot,What do u wanna talk about?"

"Why doesn't she want me?"he asked looking at the floor.

I raised an eyebrow confused"Who Audrey?"

He shakes his head looking up at me"Lonnie."

"I mean yeah I dumped her for Audrey and treated her like shit during our relationship but I acknowledge that I made a mistake,but why won't she see that?"he explains

"Maybe because she loves someone else. I mean she has a boyfriend." I say as I put a hand on his shoulder.

He rolled his eyes and scoffed" Please Jay isn't good enough to be her boyfriend she deserves better she deserves me."

"You had a chance to prove that to her and you messed up so you can't decide whose good enough for her. But then you decided to mess it up. So maybe you should move on because that's what Lonnie did." I say with slight anger in my voice. I mean the nerve. Anyway I let out a breath to calm down and turn away and start walking out.

But I was stopped by a hand gripping my wrist. I look up and see a very pissed off Chad.

"Your not going anywhere."he says while yanking closer to him. And tighting his grip around my wrist.

"Chad...Let...Go...your hurting me."I say trying to get out of his arms and grip.

"No. Not until I make you mine. If I can't have Lonnie then I can at least have the easiest and closest thing to her. You." He says while licking his lips before smashing them onto mine. It felt disgusting.

I tired my best to push him off me but Chad was way bigger and stronger than me. I didn't stand a chance but that doesn't mean I'm going to give up. So I push Chad's face off mine and start screaming.


But I made a bad choice cause as a result Chad slapped me telling me to shut up and that no one would came and help me. But me being stubborn kept screaming resulting in another slap. That's when I felt hand start to crawl under my dress. I gasped and begged Chad to stop telling him we were like family and that I was like his little sister but he didn't listen so I started cry.

And just as his hand was about to slip any further Chad was ripped off me. And I fell to the ground crying.


A/N: Ok guys that was chapter 2 let me know what you guys thought of it and there will be more chapters coming up.

From your author 

Jonnie 4 lyf.💕💕💕

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