Chapter 22

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* Authors p.o.v *

* The next day * 

Everyone except Jay and Lonnie were all in Jay and Carlos's dorm waiting to find out what was going on.

" Carlos why are we here."  Evie asked as Carlos and Jane stood in the center of the room.

" And why is she here."  Ben asked glaring at Jane but Mal just placed her hand on Ben's shoulder telling him to calm down.

" Because we need your help." Carlos said looking at them.

" We... who's we." Uma asked as they all sat there confused.

" Jane and I, her and I are back together for good this time." Carlos said joining hands with a smiling Jane.

" But how." Doug asked in shock like the others.

" We realized that even after everything we've been through we still love each other and want to give this relationship a chance." Carlos explained.

" But that's not why we're here." Carlos exclaimed.

" Then why are we here." Uma asked.

" We need to get Jay and Lonnie back together."  Carlos explained.

" And why would we do that." Ben said harshly.

" Because Jay and Lonnie love each other and you know that." Jane said.

" There better of apart than together." He said coldly.

" Ben." Mal said standing up.

" No Mal, you didn't see Lonnie yesterday she's hurt and its all because of him." Ben exclaimed getting angry.

" Look Ben I know you're upset you have every right to be, but think about Lonnie." Carlos exclaimed.

" I am thinking about her." He protested.

" Are you really." Jane questioned.

" She's my sister and I will do anything to protect her." He told her in a low voice.

" And I get that, but she's happy around Jay and if anything you should be mad at me. I'm the cause of all this and I'm sorry." She said.

" But Jay loves Lonnie more than anything on earth and he's proven that countless times, what happened between me and him was a mistake and he regretted the next day." Jane explained looking at Ben dead in the eye.

" It doesn't change the fact Lonnie risked her life for him." Ben said angrily.

" Ben what are you talking about." Mal asked walking up to him.

" Chad, the mystery guy Lonnie was talking to was Chad." He explained.

" What, but why." Jane said in disbelief.

" To protect us." He replied.

" Protect us?" Evie questioned confused.

" Yes protect us, Chad threatened to hurt Lonnie and every single one of us if she didn't break up with Jay. But because she loved Jay she didn't do it and Chad became restless." He answered hurt.

" The video was sent by Chad." Carlos asked.

" Yes it was, since Audrey and Chad broke up his been harassing her, sending her gifts, sending her texts, calling her, asking to meet with her, threatening her all of it was done by Chad." He explained to them.

" That psycho." Uma said disgusted.

" What do we do." Evie asked standing up and walking forward.

" I don't know." Ben exclaimed truthfully.

" I think there's only one thing to do." Mal said looking at everyone.

" You mean." Ben exclaimed.

"  We need to get Chad arrested." Mal explained.

" But how, he's a royal surely that gives him an advantage of some kind." Uma said.

" Not if Jane and Lonnie testify against him to elder Royal Council then it should get him arrested for a while." Ben exclaimed.

" How long is a while." Gil questioned.

" It depends on how serious the offense is." Doug explained.

" How do we know Lonnie's even going to testify." Harry inquired.

" If anyone wants Chad gone more than anything it's Lonnie." Ben assured them.

" Ok then it's settled." Mal exclaimed.

" Now about Jay and Lonnie." Ben said as they group stepped closer.

They all discussed the plan and were out to set everything in motion.

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