Chapter 24

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* Epilogue *

6 months later

" We hear by find Chadwick Jeremiah Charming guilty of all charges faced." Fairy Godmother exclaimed.

" Oh my God." Lonnie exclaimed in relief covering her mouth with her hand.

Jane and Lonnie looked at each other and smiled giving each other a hug.

" It's over its all over." Jane said sobbing joyfully.

Everyone came over and gave the two girls a group hug as they started crying. Finally it was over all the hate, all the pain and all the suffering it was finally over.

" We can finally move on." Lonnie said burying face in Jay's chest.

" I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you." Lonnie said to Jay looking down at her stomach with a smile.

" I can't wait either." Jay said placing his hands over Lonnie's stomach.

" I love you." Lonnie said giving him a kiss.

" I love you too." Jay said kissing her back.

* 8 months later *

" Do you Jane Godmother take Carlos de Vil to be your lawfully wedded husband." Fairy Godmother exclaimed holding back her tears.

" I do." Jane said smiling at Carlos.

" Do you Carlos de Vil take Jane Godmother to be your lawfully wedded wife." Fairy Godmother exclaimed happily.

" I most definitely do." He said causing everyone to laugh.

" Then by the power vested in me Fairy Godmother I pronounce you husband and wife." She said with extreme Joy.

" You may now kiss the bride." Fairy Godmother exclaimed.

Carlos pulls up Jane's veil and dips her giving her a big passionate kiss.

Everyone cheered loudly as the couple turned to the crowd.

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