Chapter 23

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* Authors p.o.v *

Jane was pacing around the hallway waiting for Carlos to arrive.

" If you don't stop pacing you'll make a hole in the floor." Carlos said walking up to Jane.

She ran up to him and gave him a big hug and he hugged her back calming down all her nerves.

" I'm just nervous." Jane said looking at him.

" Don't be everything will be ok." He assured her.

" But what if she doesn't forgive him." She questioned unsure.

" Lonnie loves Jay and Jay loves her, now just breath." Carlos exclaimed.

Jane took a deep breath and nodded.

" Ok I'm calm now let's go." Jane said taking his hand and they walked into the ballroom.

" Ready." Carlos asked walking up to Jay.

" Not really." He said nervously.

" Well to bad cause there she is." Uma said pointing to Lonnie.

" It's now or never, don't mess up." Ben said dead serious.

" Wish me luck." He said adjusting his suit and walks forward.

He makes his way over to Lonnie and sees her in her dress and she looked breathtaking.

" Lonnie." He called softly.

Lonnie turned around and she looked even more beautiful.

" Hi Jay." She said awkwardly.

" Can I have this dance." Jay said giving her a hand to take.

" Can I talk to you." He asked waltzing around the ballroom.

" I don't know Jay, I don't want to do this right now." Lonnie said as Jay lifted her up.

" I know I just want to talk." He said spinning her around.

" Ok." Lonnie exclaimed as they walzed around the ballroom.

" Lonnie I want to start off by saying I'm sorry for all the pain I caused you, for all the times I hurt you instead of loving you." He exclaimed swaying across the floor with her.

" Jay." She called out sadly.

" Lonnie I love you and I will always love you, growing up I never knew what love was until I met you. Lonnie you are the most amazing woman I have ever met and honestly I don't deserve you, but my life isn't the same without you and I can't imagine living without you either." Jay said before letting go and taking a step back.

" Thats why I'm down on my knee and begging you to forgive me and for you to love me not just as myself and for all my flaws and imperfections." He explained on one knee.

Everyone in the room gasped as they all gathered around the couple.

" Oh my God." Lonnie said covering her mouth with her hand in shock with tears in her eyes.

" Lonnie you are my one true love, and I need you in my life so what do you say." He explained with hopeful eyes.

Lonnie  didn't say anything for a while just standing there in shock with tears streaming down her face. After a long silence she nodded.

" Yes I'll forgive you, I love you so much." She said with a smile.

Jay instantly got up and lifted her up in the air and spun her around as everyone in the room started cheering.

Jay finally put Lonnie down giving her a big kiss.

The crowd started cheering even more.

Lonnie and Jay's friends ran up to the couple and gave them big hugs.

" Lonnie I'm so happy for you guys." Mal said as the girls walked over to Lonnie.

" Thank you Mal." Lonnie thanked giving her a hug.

" Don't thank me....thank Jane." Mal said turning to Jane.

" This was your idea." She asked in disbelief walking up to Jane.

" It was only the right thing to do." She said looking at Lonnie with a small smile.

" Thank you." Lonnie exclaimed giving Jane a long hug with tears still in her eyes.

" Lonnie can we go back to the way things were before all this drama." Jane asked pulling back.

" Yes please." Lonnie said with a sob at the end.

" I'm sorry." Lonnie apologized.

" I'm sorry too for everything." Jane apologized as well.

" I forgive you." Lonnie exclaimed with a smile.

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