Chapter 14

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* Evie's p.o.v *

We were all sitting down in the lounge eating breakfast waiting for Jay and Lonnie as we see them walk in I smile when I see how happy they look.

" Finally. We were about to send a search party for you two." Carlos said dramatically ad Lonnie and Jay take their breakfast and sit down.

" Whatever. We're here anyways." Lonnie said leaning into Jay arms as he wraps an arm around his shoulder.

" So guys what are we doing today." Ben asked.

" Oh I hope you guys don't mind but I booked us to do a bunch of activities today." Lonnie exclaimed taking a bite out of her food.

" What kind of activities." Doug asked.

" I booked us for Go Carting, Zip Lining and paint balling." She answered.

" Yes, those sound awesome." Mal exclaimed.

" Of course you would love that." Ben said looking at his fiance.

" What is that supposed to mean." She asked.

" It means your down for anything dangerous." Jay replied and we all nodded.

" Whatever." She said causing us to laugh.

" When do we leave." I asked her.

" The drivers should be be here at 11:30 so in an hour." She said we all nodded as we sat there and chatted until we all finished breakfast.

Jay and Lonnie went to the kitchen to do the dishes while Jane, Carlos and Gil went to chill outside. Leaving the rest of us to head upstairs to Mal's room to talk.

" Ok Mal what's up." Uma asked sitting down on Harry's lap.

" Guess we seriously need to talk about Jane." Mal said.

" Yeah I totally agree." I exclaimed.

" Ok good. So for the bast month or so I'm sure you guys noticed a serious change in Jane." Mal explained.

We all hummed and nodded in agreement before she continued.

" And because of the change in Jane theirs been some major tension. So I've watching Jane and thinking. What if she changed because of Jay, because she likes him." Mal exclaimed pacing around the room.

" But why would like Jay when she knows she's dating Carlos and that Lonnie and Jay are in a relationship." Ben questioned.

" Because of admiration." I said softly.

" What do you mean Evie." Harry asked.

" Evie's right Jane fell for Jay because he saved her and comforted her. And because of that her admiration turned into a major crush." Ben answered catching my drift.

" Exactly and the more time she spends with Jay the more she falls for him." Mal exclaimed.

" So what are we gonna do. If Carlos or Lonnie find out about Jane's crush on Jay it would break them." Uma said.

" Yeah, and what about Jay. Do we even know if he likes Jane back." Ben asked.

" I don't think so. From how I see it Jay thinks of Jane as a sister." Doug inquired.

" Ok that's good then. So that means we just need to figure out a way to keep Jane away from Jay and for her to focus on Carlos." I replied.

" Agreed." The others replied.

" Now I need to talk to you guys about another issue." Mal exclaimed.

" What is it Mal." Ben questioned worriedly.

" This morning I talked to Lonnie and she told me something that has me seriously worried. Guys I think Lonnie's in trouble." She said with a look of fear in her eyes.

" What did she say M." I asked her.

" You know that person who called her last night. She said the reason she can't tell us anything or won't tell us who it is, is because she's trying to protect us she's trying to keep us safe from this person." She said worriedly.

" What do you mean keep us safe." Uma asked.

" I don't know. I asked her the same question and she told me the less we know the better." Mal answered.

" So what do we do." Doug asked.

" We obviously need to find out who this person is." Ben said seriously.

" Then we need to find out what's going on between them."  Harry continued.

" And if needed call the cops." Mal said.

" Ok then. But we should head down before the others get suspicious." I said standing up.

The others follow and we head downstairs.

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