Chapter 15

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* Lonnie's p.o.v *

* 6 day's later *

We were walking into the entrance of the amusement park after getting our wristbands. And it looked awesome. I thought as we looked at it in awe.

" See I told you coming to the amusement park at night would be awesome." I said smiling at the scene in front of me.

" Yeah you were totally right." Carlos said in awe.

" Who wants to play some games." I called out and with that everyone ran in different directions to go play some games.

* 2 hours later *

After playing games for 2 hours straight we all went to the food court and found a table to sit down at.

" I am so hungry." I called leaning back on Jay's chest with arms wrapped around me.

" Totally agree." Evie said coming to sit down with Doug.

" So who wants what." Ben asked.

" I want pizza." Carlos said.

" Me too." Gil exclaimed.

" Make that three." Harry called.

" Ok then let's go order." 

" Well I want pasta. Anyone else wanna come." Evie said standing up.

Mal, Doug and Uma stood up and followed her.

" I want Mexican food." I called out.

" I'm down for Mexican." Jay said.

" Me too." Ben exclaimed.

" Sure." Jane replies standing up.

" Great you guys go get it I'll stay here and watch the table."  I say feeling to tired to go to the food cart.

" Are you sure." He questions.

" Yeah I am." I assure him.

" Well what do you want then." Jay asked standing up.

" My usual Ben knows what it is." I replied looking at Ben.

" That I do. Come on let's go." Ben said as they started walking away.

While I was waiting for everyone I decided to check my posts from today and after a while someone came and sat down in front of me.

" Hey you can't sit th- " I exclaim putting down my phone.

" Diego." I say surprised.

" Hey Lay- Lay. What's up." He greeted me with a smile.

" What are you doing here." I asked harshly.

" Same reason your here to have fun." He says in a duh tone.

" You know what I mean." I say unamused.

" Fine. I came to how your doing." He says looking at me.

" Well as you can see I'm doing great. So you can leave." I reply.

" Oh so it's like that now." He said standing up and sitting next to me. "If I remember correctly a few years ago you always wanted me around. So what changed don't you miss those days." He whispered extremely close to my ear that I could feel his breath on my skin.

I pushed him off and moved back and glared at him with a look of anger.

" What changed is that I broke up with you after you decided to cheat on me with my cousin. And I don't miss those days nor regret breaking up with you." I say through gritted teeth.

" What if I told you that I regret what I did till this day." He said holding my hand.

" What if I told you I don't care. Now please lea-" I was about to say but got cut off by Diego kissing me.

I didn't kiss back, I pushed him off me and slapped him.

" Leave. Now." I ordered dangerously.

Diego touches his cheek where I slapped him and smiled he looks behind me and smirks before standing up.

" I'll see you soon Lay- Lay." He said walking away and I look behind me and see Jane standing there.

 I turn my head forward and let out a shaky breath burying my head in my hands. As Jane comes and sits down.

" H..He..Hey Um Jane." I stutter nervously hoping she never saw the kiss.

" Hey Lonnie." She greeted with an eyebrow raised.

" What was Diego doing here." She asked curiously sitting down across the table.

" Um to say hi." I say making it sound more like a question than a reply.

" To say hi." Jane said suspiciously not believing my excuse.

" Yeah but he had to go." I say nervously." Anyway, anyway why are you back where are the others." I question changing the subject.

" Thier coming. Anyway did I just see you and D-." Jane was about to say.

" Hey hey hey hey." Evie called cutting Jane off.

" Oh thank goodness." I mumble letting out a sigh of relief.

" Hey guys." I greeted as if nothing just happened.

" One order of chicken tacos and grape juice."Jay said placing it in front of me.

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