Chapter 5

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* Authors p.o.v*

After Lonnie left Jane's room she walked to Chad's dorm room once she reached his room she stood at the door and let out a breath she didn't even know she was holding. Slowly raising her hand to knock the door.

" Who is it" Chad asked.

" It's me. Lonnie." She replied.

She could hear him getting up from his bed and walking up to the door. That's when the door opened revealing a very bruised Chad. She tried not to laugh as Chad let her in.

" I see Jay went easy on you." She said as she walked.

Chad scoffed and rolled his eyes" Please I could've done way worse had he not caught me off guard." He replied.

*Chad's face*

*Chad's face*

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" Right." Lonnie said sarcastically while looking at his bruised chest.

" Why did you call me here." She said harshly.

" Woah, woah, woah. Why so hostile." He said with a chuckle at the end. 

'Does he seriously think this is a joke.' Lonnie thought.

Once he saw Lonnie's dead serious expression he came down to the conclusion that she probably heard about Jane.

" I'm guessing by the fact that you look like your ready to kill me you heard about Jane." He said casually as he went to sit back on his bed.

" You say it so casually as if what happened wasn't wrong." Lonnie said harshly." And yes I found  out about Jane." 

" How could you Chad. Huh. To Jane of all people. Someone who saw you as an older brother." Lonnie said with pain in her voice.

" I DON'T KNOW OKAY." Chad he yelled frustrated. " I was upset with you. You kept on rejecting me and it hurt and seeing you with Jay it just made me lose it." 

" Don't." She spat at venomously. " Don't. You. Dare. Blame. It . On. Me." She said pointing her finger in his face. " What you did was your fault not mine."

Chad took Lonnie's hand's in his and pulled her close to him cathing Lonnie by surprise as their faces were so dangerously close as he hardend his grip around her wrists as Lonnie struggled to get out his grip.

" Do you really believe that. That your not the one to blame." He exclaimed dangerously." I warned you while you were in China that I would do anything to make you mine and that's exactly what I did."

" Your a dick you know that " Lonnie spat in a low voices still trying to get out of his grip.

" You know you want it." He whispered in her ear.

Lonnie cringed at how close he was and asked him to let go cause he was hurting her. Chad immediately let her go as he caressed her cheek with his thumb before pushing her ponytail back. Lonnie trailed his movements with her eyes.

Chad feeling cocky decided to tease Lonnie and placed his hand on her cheek before slowly started leaning in and just as he was about to place his lips on her's she jerked back.

" I didn't come here for this." She said walking to the other side of the room.

"Your right. This isn't why I called you here." Chad said going back to sit on his head as Lonnie took a chair and sat in front of him.

" Why did you call me here. And how did you know I was back." She asked genuinely curious.

" I called you to tell you to break up with Jay." Chad exclaimed casually" And I knew you were here because I have people watching you when I can't."

" So your stalking me. Are you that fucking bored that you started to stalk me. That's really fucked up." Lonnie exclaimed.

" Oh and one more thing I am never going to break up with Jay to be with an asshole like you." She said getting up to leave.

" But you will." Chad said. " If you want your dear loved ones and so called boyfriend to be unharmed." He threatened.

" Are you threatening me" Lonnie asked facing Chad.

" It's not nescersarily a threat more...of a warning . Yeah it's a warning." He explained." I mean if I were you I would do what I say if you don't want me to ruin your life. Which I will if needed." He spat in her face.

" Go to hell. You here me" She said as she walked out slamming the door behind her.

* Lonnie p.o.v*

After leaving Chad's room I storm off to my my room and slammed the door as I entered.

" That bitch." I mumbled as I through as glass at the wall.

" AAAHHH" I yell at the top of my lungs frustrated pulling my head back.

I go and sit on the edge of my bed as I bury my head in my head thinking ' what am I going to do'.

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