Chapter 18

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* Authors p.o.v *

It's been a week since everyone came back from the trip and a few days since Lonnie came back from her parents place. And things in the group have been really tense. 

Lonnie and Jay are still dating but they agreed to give each other space and distance themselves from each other to think things through.

Lonnie and Jane cut ties and are just civil friends with on another. They avoid talking to each other as much as they can because they don't want it to lead to another big argument.

 Carlos and Jane are taking a break to give Jane time to make her decision but their still friends and are still close.

* Back to the present *

Everyone was sitting by there lunch table outside talking about school when Lonnie's iPad beeped in her bag. She reached in her bag and took out her iPad.

She looked at the screen and saw a video attached to a message.

Watch this video if you really want to know what kind of person your boyfriend truly is.

" Lonnie is everything ok." Ben asked noticing Lonnie's changed diminor.

" Yeah I'm fine." She said getting her airpods from the pocket in her jacket putting them in her ears and pressing play.

* Lonnie's p.o.v *

I press play and stare at the screen when I see Jay sitting by the fire pit deep in thought then Jane comes through.

" What are you doing here Jane." Jay asked turning his attention back to the fire.

" I went to get water then I saw you out here and thought you might want company." Jane explained.

"So how long have you been out here." She asked.

" Since I stormed out." He said.

" How are you feeling after the whole ordeal." Jane asked" When I came here you were deep in thought. What were you thinking about."

" Nothing" He exclaimed but she wasn't buying it.

" It didn't look like nothing." She says as she put a hand on his shoulder" Jay you can talk to me. Just like you were here for me I'm here for you." 

He looked up at her and smiled " Thanks Jane. It's just ever since what happened to you... Lonnie's been distance and I know part of it was because we were fighting but I feel she's keeping something from me." He exclaimed.

" Keeping something like what and what makes you think that." Jane asked him.

" Whenever she's around us she gets a call from the same person she was talking to inside. She never tells us who it is or what the call's are about. She longer allows to use her phone and is constantly makes sure her phone is no where near me. And there's times when she a call from this mystery guy she gets up and leaves and comes back pissed." He rambled.

Wow. I never knew he felt this way I feel bad. I guess I haven't really been fair to him.

" Jay I hate to say this but I think Lonnie's seeing someone else." Jane says feeling sorry for him and mad that I would something like this to him.

She thinks I'm cheating on Jay. Wow so much for being my friend.

" Yeah I know. I've thought about a lot too. I guess I was kinda hoping this trip would help us fix this." He says sadly.

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