Chapter 11

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* Jay's p.o.v*

I wake up the next morning and feel a weight on my chest. I looked down and see Lonnie laying on my chest, That's when last night's event's came back to me.

* Flashback*

After I left Jane I walked into mine and Lonnie's room seeing her sleeping so I went to the bathroom and closed the door.

" What have I done" I said to myself looking in the mirror. 

I wash my face and change into my PJ's. I step out the bathroom and saw Lonnie awake.

" You wanna talk." I asked heading to the bed.

She shook her head" Not now. Please I'm to tired for this" She layed down facing me I did the same and wrapped my arms around her as she snuggled into my chest.

" I just want to cuddle with you right now." She said tiredly as she started drifting off to sleep. I kissed her forehead and stayed awake thinking about what happened outside with Jane before sleep eventually took over me.

* End of Flashback*

I gently slip out from under Lonnie and head to the bathroom to get ready.

* 1 hour later* 

After an hour I walk out in this.

* Jay's outfit*

* Jay's outfit*

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