Chapter 8

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* Authors p.o.v*

*Time skip to Friday after school*

Ok so this is what has happened this week. After Lonnie had her talk with Ben she met up with Jay and told him how she felt about the whole situation and also what her feelings were but she never told him about that she's thought of breaking up. Jay felt really bad and promised Lonnie that he would do better and spend more time with her. Chad has kept his distance from everyone except Lonnie he still text, call's and askes her to meet up but only once or twice a week.

After Carlos stormed off Jane ran after him and they talked it out and Jane apologized. They spent the entire week with each other and Carlos and Jay's friendship has gone back to the way it was. But I can't say the same for Jane and Lonnie there's still some tension between them but the try to push it aside.

It's finally Friday and the group was more than excited for today. When the final bell rang indicating school was over the all zoomed to their rooms to get ready. Once they all showered they quickly finished packing whatever was left over and getting changed in the outfits Evie made for them.

By the time it was 15:30 everyone was outside and waiting for the cars that were going to take them to their destination. While waiting the group took a bunch of photos.

* The photo's they took*

* Group photos*

Gil is the guy in left corner

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Gil is the guy in left corner. The guy in the right corner is Ben and Mal is the girl on top of him. The guy at the bottom in the middle is Harry. Uma is the girl laying down on him on the left. The girl on the right of Harry is Evie then Doug is in between her and Mal. The girl on top of Uma is Jane and just imagine Carlos is next her. Then the guy at the top is Jay and Lonnie is on top of Jay.

 Then the guy at the top is Jay and Lonnie is on top of Jay

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Lonnie is the one in the middle at the bottom. Uma is on her left Mal is on her right. Just above Mal is Evie next to Evie is Jane. The guy behind Uma is Harry. Then behind Harry it's Doug. Jay is the guy in sunglasses. Carlos and Ben are the guy at the top step.

* The girls photos*

* The girls photos*

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