Chapter 10

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* Lonnie's p.o.v* 

After I closed the door I turn around and see Uma, Harry and Jay looking at me. I shake off whatever just happened and look at them.

" Lonnie are you ok." Uma asked with her eyebrow raised.

" Ya why." I say trying to play it cool.

" Maybe because you just slammed the door in the delivery guy's face." Harry exclaimes.

" Yeah open the door." Jay said walking to the door.

" Jay wait." I yell he stopped and looked at me confused. " Let me do it."

He moves out the way and I head to the door letting a breath out before opening the door.

" Hi de- " the delivery guy says before stopping when seeing me.

* The delivery guy*

 I can feel the others look at us confused before I sigh

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 I can feel the others look at us confused before I sigh.

" Thanks " I say akwardley taking the things in his hand handing them to the others before taking the last bag. So far so good I might be able to make it out of this.

" Sorry for slamming the door in your face earlier." I apologized as I start closing the door before he says.

" Yeah no prob Lay- Lay." He says

" Lay- Lay." I heard the others say. I turn and see everyone behind me and by everyone I mean Mal and the others all except Ben look at me with confused faces.

" Do you know each other?" Gil asked.

" Um yeah I'm Diego Lay- Lay and I go back we used to-" He got cut off by me saying.

" We used to be friends before he moved here. Anyway enough about that I'm sure Diego has to get home right.Right." I say looking at him.

He looks at me understandingly and says " Right enjoy your me- " He says but cut off by the door being slammed in his face.

I sigh as walk away and sit back on the couch the others follow and sit.

" What was that about." Carlos asked.

" Nothing." I say harshly getting my nuggets and fries from the bag and my drink.

" Then why did you slam the door in Diego's face like that." Evie asked

" And why does he call you Lay-Lay." Mal added.

" I don't know. Now can we not talk about Diego." I say .

They all nodded and we move on to a different topic. I'm laying in Jay's arms when my phone starts ringing. I answer it without looking at the caller id.

" Hello" I said.

" Lonnie it's me Chad." He says through the phone. 

I get out of Jay's arms and sit up. " What do you want" I say harshly making everyone look at me confused.

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