Chapter 17

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* Carlos's p.o.v *

After I stormed off I went to the exit of the amusement park and sat on a bench outside trying to clear my head. I let a heavy and frustrated breath as I buried my head in my hands.

" I know exactly how you feel right now." I heard someone say next to me. I turn my head and see Lonnie with tears in eyes.

" How do you do it Lonnie." I asked her.

She turns and faces me." Do what exactly." She asked confused.

" Handle everything. Whenever you and Jay have an issue it's always about Jane and that lead's to a fight but in the end you make up." I explain to her.

" But with me and Jane it's like whenever we fight we always end up drifting apart from each other and when we do make up she's just distant. Sometimes I feel like I'm the only focused on making this relationship work. The only thing she's focused on is my best friend." I carry on explaining.

" To be honest with you Car I'm not coping at all. A part of me learned to just not care anymore and except that there's always going to be going on between him and Jane." She admits with as her voice cracks.

 " While the other part of me wants to believe that it's normal to go through these situations, it your normal ups and downs in the relationship. That he loves me wholeheartedly but deep down I'm always second guessing myself." She explained letting her tears fall.

" Wow I never knew you felt this way. Your so hurt and fragile and vulnerable and broken and -" I rambled but she cut me off.

" Ok ok I get it. You don't need to rub it in." She says punching my shoulder playfully while laughing.

I laugh with her before she asks me a question.

" Do you love Jane." Lonnie asked out of nowhere.

" What." I asked confused.

" I asked do you love Jane. I mean do you love her wholeheartedly, with everything inside you." Lonnie questions.

" I do. More than you know." I admit.

" So how would you feel if she chose Jay instead of you." She asked curious.

" I don't know I would be crushed." I reply thinking about it.

" Excatly. That's why you need to fight for her." Lonnie said looking at me in the eyes.

" I don't understand. What do you mean fight for her." I questioned.

" Carlos unlike mine and Jay's relationship yours and Jane's has something mine and Jay doesn't. True love. So I want you to fight for her and remind her of what you guys were like before all this drama started. Make her see your her true love." Lonnie explained holding my hand.

" What about you." I asked thinking about how she would feel if Jane and Jay were to get together.

" As for me. I'm tired, like I'm really tired of fighting, I'm tired of everything. That's why I'm just gonna wait for Jane to make her choice after that I'll determine whether mine and Jay's relationship is worth fighting for." She replied honestly.

Suddenly we heard a car honk as it pulled up by the sidewalk.

" That's my ride. Do you wanna come." She asked standing up.

" Thanks but I think I'm gonna stay here for a while. To think about everything." I tell her and she nods heading to the car.

" Lonnie wait." Ben called running up to her.

" Come here." Ben called opening her arms.

Lonnie ran up to him and let him embrace her as she cried in his arms. We all felt bad and decided to give her a group hug. After a minute or so we all pulled apart.

" Are you gonna be ok." Mal asked giving her one last hug. Lonnie nodded.

" Well see you later. I love you." Ben exclaimed giving Lonnie a big hug stroking her head.

" I love you too Ben." Lonnie said pulling away.

" Bye guys I'll see you later." She said opening the door and getting into the car as we waved goodbye as the car drove off.

" You ok Car." Evie asked standing next to me.

" Yeah after the talk I had with Lonnie. I think I'm gonna be just fine." I reply honestly.

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