Chapter 7

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* 1 month later*

* Ben's p.o.v*

It's been about a month and Jane and Jay  have been spending alot of time together. And all of us find it strange. Especially Lonnie and Carlos for the past month Lonnie and Jay have been fighting non stop and it's been bothering everyone. 

Carlos and Jane have also been fighting as well but their fights never last long. They always end with Jane telling Carlos that their only hanging out because cause it's her way of Thanking him for saving her.

But I can see that it's more than that. You see I've noticed for the past few weeks every time Jane looks at Jay she has this gleam in her eyes. I'm not the only one who seems to notice it. Anyway right now everyone is sitting outside by our lunch table and of course Jay and Jane are the last to arrive.

" Hey guys." Jay greets as he and Jane walk over to the table.

" Hey" The rest of us greet but Lonnie keeps quite and plays with her salad.

Jane sits down in between Gil and Carlos as she gives Carlos a kiss on the cheek and Carlos hugs her . Jay also sits down between Lonnie and Uma and gave Lonnie a kiss but she just kept on playing with her food.

" So guys I was thinking. How about we go on a trip this weekend for like a week to relax. I mean so much has been going on this past month and I figured we could use a break." I suggested.

" I think that's a great idea." Evie exclaimed excitedly. " I can even make the outfits." Evie squealed.

" We're down." Harry said motioning to him and Uma.

" Im ok with it" Mal said.

" Ya a trip sounds great " Carlos said and Jane nodded next to him.

" All right I'm so in." Jay said clapping his hands together.

" Let's do it " Doug said.

I'm glad everyone down for this trip but I noticed Lonnie hadn't said what she thought about this trip in fact she's been quite since she got here.

" Lonnie what about you." I ask her. She stops playing with her salad as she snaps back to reality looking up at me causing everyone to turn and look at her.

" What. I'm sorry what were we talking about." Lonnie said looking at me confused.

" I was suggesting that we all go on a trip this weekend and I wanted to know if your in." I filled her in.

" Oh um sure I'm cool with it." 

" Great we leave this Friday after school so be ready by  15:30.

" I'm so excited I'll set appointments with you guys from tomorrow to start designing outfits." Evie exclaimed.

" Anyway. Jane were you able to get me that document from your mom's office." Mal asked Jane.

" Oh my gosh. Mal I'm sorry. I completely forget. I was busy showing Jay where Mr Deley kept the chemicals for the chemistry project he gave us and it totally slipped my mind." She replied apologetically.

" Um don't worry about it it's fi-" Mal was trying to say but got cut off by the sound of glass breaking. 

We all turn to where the sound came from and it was from Lonnie and she had a broken glass in her hand and it looked as if she crushed it with her bare hand. While having an annoyed expression on her face. And as I looked close I saw blood dripping from her hand.

" Oh my god. Lonnie your hand it's bleeding." Uma said causing Lonnie to look down at her hand making her instantly drop the glass she was holding. Jay tried to hold her hand but she jerked back.

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