3. Stefan Salvatore

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I walked out of the library at about 10:30 pm. I had just gotten finished tutoring some hopeless burnout, nonetheless, I tutored them with the best of my abilities. I walked to my car but before I was able to take hold of the door handle a scream got my attention. I whipped my head around and I saw a guy running, he was holding his neck. "Please help me!" He screamed as he ran towards me. I froze I didn't know what to do, not even seconds later there was another guy behind the guy crying for help and he snapped his neck. I clutched my keys tightly as a small scream left my lips, I quickly turned around and I fumbled with my keys my hands were shaking so bad that I dropped my keys. I heard a chuckle and I squeezed my eyes shut as I heard my keys jingle. I should've run but my legs didn't move, I hesitantly turned around. "Stefan?" I questioned, I had known Stefan ever since he came back to Mystic Falls. I was very aware that Stefan has turned off his humanity and once again became a ripper. Me along with everyone else was trying to figure out a way to get him back. Stefan took a step forward causing me to take a step back, my back hit my car door and Stefan held his hands up as if he was surrendering. He held out his hand so he could hand me my keys, I hesitated but I took them. "You know Y/N I've always liked you. There's just something about you that's so- what's the word innocent. You've never had an Ill thought in that pretty little head of your's, have you?" Stefan asked with a smirk. "I'm having a few right now." I retorted. Stefan raised a brow, taking a few steps towards me. I couldn't move back any further, his chest was practically against mine. I swallowed hard as Stefan took a deep breath in as if he was taking in my scent. "You know you and I could do great things together." Stefan whispered in my ear, my face flushed. "You could be just like me." He spoke, "I- I don't want to be like you." I stuttered out nervously, "Did you hear that?" He chuckled, "That little blip in your heartbeat, that was you lying." He stated. I didn't want to kill people, but I was very intrigued by the whole vampire no humanity thing. I felt Stefan's hand trail up my thigh, I felt goosebumps rise onto my skin. Stefan lifted my skirt up, he pressed his knees right between my legs to keep them separated. A very quiet gasp left my lips, I always thought Stefan was attractive and I'd be lying if I said I didn't have a major crush on him. Elena was my best friend and I definitely couldn't do that to her, girl code and all. "Don't you hate not being able to protect yourself?" Stefan asked, he just barely moved his thigh causing it to rub against my clothed clit. A choked moan left my lips, "Always having to rely on someone else to save you." He spoke, I saw his eyes darken as he moved his legs a bit more so he could get a better reaction from me. His hands fell to my lips and he gripped them tightly, I would for sure have bruises tomorrow. He started rocking my hips back and forth on his thigh, the friction from his jeans doing a number on my clit. My hands clung to the material on his shoulders, "Stefan!" I moaned, "It would be just you and me, nobody else. You'd have total freedom, you'd be so powerful, most importantly you'd be with me." Stefan grinned as he leaned forward and pressed his lips against mine. I just melted into his lips, the words rolled off of his tongue so easily. His tongue pushed past my lips, our tongues meshing together. I could taste the faint taste of blood, for some reason I didn't care. Now normally I would've pushed him away and ran but something in me made me want this. Stefan added more pressure to my pussy with his thigh, causing me to moan against his lips. I felt my pussy tighten and I knew I was close, when Stefan moved his lips to my neck he found my sweet spot right away and I was gone. My hands clawed at his back as I came, his name rolled off of my lips like a prayer. "You want this?" He asked as he cupped my face, I nodded quickly. He took his bottom lip between his teeth and his fangs appeared and pierced his lip. Blood started coming out of his bottom lip and he smashed his lips against mine, I took his bottom lip between my teeth and I sucked on it. A moan fell from Stefan's lips which made my heart pick up, Stefan pulled away with a dark smirk on his face. "Wait don't I have to di-" I started but I was cut off by Stefan snapping my neck. I wasn't sure how long I was out but when I woke up my throat felt as dry as a desert. I looked around and I saw Stefan standing there, his teeth were in the student that I was tutoring. Stefan pulled away and gestured for me to join him, once I saw the blood I couldn't stop myself. I sucked him dry to the point of where when I was done I ripped his head off. When the limp body fell to the ground Stefan began clapping, "Look at you! You're a natural ripper!" He stated proudly, once those words left his lips I began to cry. I couldn't believe what I had done, "No no no!" Stefan shushed me, "We were having so much fun!" He spoke, "You feel guilty? Horrible? Sad?" Stefan asked and I nodded, "Well I've got a solution for you, sweetheart!" He said with a smile, "Flip your switch!" He told me. I took a few deep breaths so I could stop sobbing, it was the only way so that's what I did. Once I did the tears immediately stopped, "We're gonna have so much fun together!" Stefan said with a smile.

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