5. Klaus Mikaelson (Part 2 of imagine 5)

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As you had not seen your brothers in the longest time, you had decided to leave the house full of the original siblings and go stay with your brothers. You had made friends with the blonde vampire, Caroline and Bonnie, although you were still sceptical of Elena as she was beginning to drive a wedge in between your two brothers which you did not like.

Klaus and you were meeting up for lunch every day, as you had been dragged into going to high school with Stefan. Despite the overwhelming hatred all of your peers felt towards Klaus, it did not affect your loving relationship.

The pair of you had an agreement to not talk about his plans to break the sun and moon curse, it only caused arguments as you didn't want him to do it as it would result in him killing her sort of friend and the girl her brothers were in love with. As much as you loved Klaus, there were some things you weren't able to agree on.

Tonight was the night the curse was being broken, you hadn't seen Klaus since your regular lunch date.

Your allegiance was with your brothers, you had to prove to them you weren't going to tell Klaus, so instead, you helped them as much as you could. You had prepped all the plans and at times your job was to distract Klaus while they had to work some things out.

Tonight you had to distract Klaus until he went to go break the curse. Wearing the most revealing outfit you could put together between you and the other girls, you headed over to the original house, knowing all the siblings were gone bar the one you wanted.

Klaus smirked at you as he opened the large front door, without any words of warning he grabbed you, wrapping your legs around his waist. You had to admit, you loved your job of distracting Klaus.

Your skimpy clothing was torn to pieces in the large living room and his were soon shredded.

Before anything exciting could happen he retracted his body from between your slender legs and exited.

Wiping this face with the back of his hand, he smiled at you.

"I'm sorry, y/n, I have business elsewhere this evening."

With that, he left you laid across the table with your clothes ripped. Once you found some of his clothes to wear you left his house, heading to the site of the sacrifice that was upon us.

You found your two brothers who smiled at you noticing you were not wearing the clothes you had left their house in. You all watched the sacrifice from afar, seeing Jenna, Elena and all the pain.

After he had broken the curse you had moved back in with Klaus, but it was difficult to not let on that you knew why his hybrids were not turning. Klaus had taken your older brother hostage and made him turn back to a ripper.

As Stefan began to lose control, you and Klaus began to have more and more fights. They got worse as they went on.

"Why can't you just leave him alone Klaus?" You screamed

"I just fucking can't y/n, you don't understand!" He shouted back in response

"You fucking can," You screamed, tears brimming your eyes.

As a tear fell from your eye, Klaus immediately left his defensive stance and came towards you, placing his hand on your chin, wiping your tears that had begun to fall with his thumb.

"I'm sorry y/n, I just have to, you don't understand," he spoke in such a hushed voice it was barely a whisper.

You didn't respond, tears just slowly slipped out the corners of your now dull eyes.

Klaus' lips were placed on your forehead, staying there for a longer time than usual until he slowly pulled away.

"I love you y/n."

As he walked away you used the back of your hand to wipe away the many tears streaming down your face. You watched the man you were in love with walk out of the forest, calling your brother along.

You turned around and punched the nearest tree so hard it cracked and began to fall before being caught by an adjacent tree.

You knew your eldest brother had been following you with Ric and Elena for a while, so you just sped towards him. Before he even noticed you were there you had your arms wrapped around his waist as he was quite tall compared to you.

Your face which had not stopped sobbing was beginning to cause a wet patch to form on the front of his shirt. You had never been a very emotional person, causing Damon to be very taken back about it.

"Is this because of Klaus?" he whispered into your ear. You could barely form words so you nodded against his chest. His body instantly tensed up, he had always been very protective over you with boys when you were younger.

"Want to talk about it?" He questioned, keeping his voice hushed.

You shook your head against his chest so he just embraced you in his large arms, standing there for a few minutes.

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