14. Klaus Mikaelson

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I was busying myself from all of the New Orleans drama by fishing in the kitchen for ingredients for chocolate chip cookies. Being a close friend of Rebekah, I was a frequent flyer in the Mikaelson's mansion, often making myself at home by baking and cooking treats for Bekah and myself, though I didn't run into her allusive -albeit dangerous- brothers very much. Sure, I'd seen Elijah around preparing for elaborate dinner parties, and Kol was never far behind causing mischief, but I barely ever came into contact with Klaus, which I've been assured by Rebekah is a good thing, though I can't help feeling like I want to get to know him.

Putting on some music I began my work, looking through cupboards and shelves for my ingredients. After finding almost everything, I crouched down behind the kitchen island to find my final ingredients: the chocolate chips. While still crouched down and searching through the Mikaelsons overly spacious cabinets, I heard footsteps travel into the kitchen, seemingly looking for something.

"Rebekah!" I heard an unfamiliar British accent shout, which made me abandon my search for chocolate chips and peak my head up over the counter to see what was going on. Gingery brown hair and blue eyes were what I first saw, and he seemed to notice a pair of eyes staring at him, and turned to look my way. "And who might you be?" he asked.

"Y/n L/n" I replied, still wary of this strange man who was interrupting my afternoon baking. "Well Y/n L/n, may I ask what you're doing in my kitchen, with an abnormally tight grip on that wooden spoon, might I add". I let out a light chuckle at that and released my grasp on the spoon that I didn't know how rigidly I was holding. "Your kitchen?" And then it dawned on you. The only person that could claim ownership of this kitchen that you hadn't met yet was...

"Oh, so you're Klaus", "That would be my name love, yes. And may I once again inquire into what it is you're doing in my kitchen?", he asked as I realised that I hadn't answered his question. "I'm baking cookies.", I said as if it completely cleared everything up. When he looked at me dumbfounded, I added 'I'm a friend of Rebekah's, I hang around here quite a lot. Actually, I'm surprised that this is the first time we've met".

He looked at me intrigued with a glint of what looked like mischief in his eyes. "Well Niklaus, are you going to just stand there and catch flies or are you going to help me make some cookies?" At that, he smiled, and agreed, "Okay. where do we start?"

"Well before we start Mr Mikaelson, you've got to help me find the most important ingredient in your labyrinth of a kitchen." "And what might that all-important ingredient be, love?", he replied, words dripping with sarcasm. I laughed and retorted "No stupid, the chocolate chips". He gave me a long look that contained something I couldn't quite figure out, not that I complained, having a good excuse to look at his pale eyes.

After a while of baking, Klaus and I found ourselves halfway through, even with his witty banter and sarcastic remarks serving as a complete slight distraction to my masterpiece Nonetheless the experience so far has been filled with laughs and several longing looks, from both sides. Somehow through all of the chaos, we managed to get the cookies in the oven to bake. "Careful with that bag of flour, it has a hole in it and a tendency to cover people in a mess of flour", I warned. He angled the bag towards me as if to show what he was doing, almost like a proud little schoolboy showing off his work. "Like this?" he asked while thrashing around the bag of flour which created an explosion of flour all over my face.

"Oh, you son of a bitch!" I yelled through my laughter and the cloud of flour, grabbing the whole bag of flour from his hand as my weapon. "No no no, please love" he pleaded, while slowly backing around the kitchen island. "Too bad!" I said while throwing a handful of flour at him which landed on his cheek, some in his hair. "Oh ho ho it's game on now", and with that, he snatched the flour from my hand as I ran around the kitchen. He caught me fairly quickly, grabbing onto my waist and pulling my back into his chest before turning me around and leaning over me against the kitchen counter, his arms caging me in as I was facing him, both of us laughing uncontrollably.

I quickly caught my breath and used our position to grab the flour from his hand and hold it threateningly in front of his face. He sighed and I resumed my torment. My voice was low, and our heads were so close together, I asked "What? Is the big, bad original hybrid afraid of a little flour?" At this, he looked completely shocked and almost confused. "You-" He said, almost a whisper.

I smiled. "Yes Klaus, I know what you are. Rebekah told me all of it a few days after I met her. Said she couldn't bear not being able to talk to another girl about her mystical problems. So here I am." I replied softly. And he spoke, his tone much more serious now. "You know that I am a monster, but you still decide to spend your afternoon with me?" Quieter, he added, "you should hate me, the things I've done. And that's if you've even heard half of them."

I replied softly, "I have never hated anyone", and he looked at me so intensely, I thought I might burst into flames. "And I certainly don't believe that you are a monster, Klaus Mikaelson", as I reached a hand up, using my thumb to wipe some flour off from under his left eye gently. "If anything, you deserve a chance to be happy, and be stupid and young and free. Even if you are centuries old". I said as he lightly chuckled, his grip on the table moving towards my waist which he held securely. "You, Y/n L/n, are either incredibly stupid or incredibly wise, and I can't for the life of me figure out which one."

"Maybe that's a good thing", I replied, my voice below a whisper "It's always nice to have a little bit of mystery". With that he leaned down, one of his hands coming up to brush a piece of hair from my eyes, lingering on my cheek, as mine moved to rest around his neck. He gripped my waist tighter with one of his hands and pulled me even closer which I didn't even think was possible. I saw his eyes searching mine so passionately as if he was looking for the answers to all the questions of the universe. His gaze then flickered down my face towards my slightly parted lips, and I found myself mirroring his actions, until we were centimetres apart, eyes fixed on each other's lips. He then tucked a piece of hair behind my ear and lightly held my jaw while angling my face towards him, until our lips finally touched.

Light and tentative at first, as if he thought he was going to hurt me, our lips moved together. That was at least until I started moving a little faster, and a little harder with more passion. And he joined me, and God did it feel like everything any girl in all of those cheesy teen rom-coms had ever described. Soon the adolescent-like aspect was gone, and he kissed me with a more burning desire as his hands travelled down to my hips and gripped the bottom of my thighs, silently asking me to jump, which I did. My legs wrapped around his waist, he lifted me so I was sitting on the kitchen island.

I suppose that he must have taken my advice from earlier because he sure as hell kissed me as if we were young and free, and held me like I was the most valuable thing in the world. With my legs holding his waist tightly to my body, and our hands entangled in each others hair, touching each other almost as if we were afraid the other was going to disappear into thin air, it felt as if this moment would last forever. That was, at least, until...

"Nik- Oh Jesus Christ!" I heard a woman shout, and sure enough, in came Rebekah, looking as if she had seen a ghost, with two of her brothers trailing behind her, curious as to what was going on, and when they saw us, their eyes widened. Reluctantly, Klaus and I broke apart. "Bekah I can exp-", I started.

"No! No, I do not even want to know, just please keep whatever that was out of communal areas", she said while walking out of the kitchen. From the hallway, she shouted in "And not that I want you to, but Jesus Nik, get a room!". "Noted," Klaus shouted after her, with a mischievous smirk on his face as he leant down closer to me, seemingly ignoring our interruption. Kol gave me a thumbs up and a rather suggestive and overly exaggerated wink as he slowly backed away through the door.

Elijah remained, and he came closer before saying, "And brother", he said in a low voice "when people tell you to get a room, for the love of God, don't pick the kitchen." And with that, he patted Klaus on the shoulder, grabbed a bottle of scotch from the cupboard and sauntered out, leaving me and Klaus in fits of poorly concealed laughter.

"And what the hell is that smell?", we heard Elijah say from the hallway. I gasped "The cookies!"

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