21. Kol Mikaelson

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Kol was used to following treasure maps. He was used to starting at that little red arrow that pointed him in the right direction, used to battling the obstacles that would fall in his way, used to finding that big red X that marked the spot where his treasure was hidden.

He should have been a natural at following this treasure map. He should have been able to navigate his way through it, but he had reached his first obstacle and for some reason, he couldn't fight this one.

Jealousy was a monster, a cruel malicious being hindering him from reaching that X. From reaching you.

The route that led to getting you to fall in love with him had proven easy so far. Kol had started on that little red arrow, introducing himself and charming you into his company. Then he had embarked on the route that the map showed, the path that would lead him to that X, that kiss, that moment when you told him you loved him.

But here was that first obstacle, in the shape of you getting hurt, in the shape of his older brother healing you, when he should have been the one to do so. He hadn't been able to contain his rage when he saw your lips on Elijah's wrist, having to leave the room. He had wanted to stay, wanted you to know that he was here for you, that he always would be, but he hadn't wanted you to see him like this.

Jealous and angry, possessive of someone that wasn't even his.

Kol wiped a hand over his face, trying his best to calm himself down. Damn his heightened emotions, damn it all. He knew that if you saw him like this, you would be afraid of him. You didn't understand too much about the supernatural yet, wouldn't understand just what the image of Elijah healing you would have done to him.

"Then explain it to me."

Kol turned at the sound of your voice. You stood in the doorway, fully healed, arms folded and an eyebrow raised as you looked at him with concern. You repeated yourself. "Explain why it's hurting you. Tell me how to fix it."

Your words broke his heart. The second obstacle on that treasure map. One that he had never intended, that had you believing you had done something wrong. You could never do anything wrong, and Kol aimed to tell you that.

"There's nothing to fix." Kol took a step towards you, resisting the urge to reach out and cup your cheek. "You've done nothing wrong, Y/N. It's me. I'm just," he took a deep breath, "I just wish I was the one who could have saved you."

You looked up at him. "What do you mean? Kol, what are you talking about?"

Kol tilted his head, looking at you with such love. Here you were, this perfect human that he wanted to protect with everything he had, that he wanted to love him as he loved you. "You know what? It doesn't matter. What matters is that you're okay."

He made to walk away, but you grabbed his arm. "That's not an explanation."

And there it was, that moment when Kol knew he could overcome any obstacle that treasure map put in his way. There was determination in your voice, and a ferocity in your eyes that demolished the jealousy and the anger that had tried to destroy him. "Maybe this is."

He pulled you close to him and captured your lips in his own. He felt you tense against him before melting into him, and finally, he reached out and cupped your cheek with his hand. This was it, this was his X marking that spot, he was sure of it.

When you finally pulled apart, Kol looked at you, his hands never leaving your face. He didn't give you a chance to ask questions, instead of getting the words out before they left him. "I should have been the one to heal you, and I was angry about Elijah doing it because I was jealous. Because, Y/N Y/L/N, you are my treasure, my pot of gold at the end of the rainbow. I love you."

Kol's heart was in his mouth as he waited for your answer. It was only mere seconds, but it felt like an age before you opened your mouth and said the words he had only dreamt of hearing. "I love you too, Kol Mikaelson."

You smiled before leaning up and kissing him again. Kol's fingers tangled in your hair as he pulled you to him, finding that you could never be close enough.

Kol was used to following treasure maps. He was used to starting at that little red arrow that pointed him in the right direction, used to battling the obstacles that would fall in his way, used to finding that big red X that marked the spot where his treasure was hidden.

And he had finally found it.

He had finally found you.  

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