24. Jeremy Gilbert

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Finally, having gotten out of my heels, dress, cap, and gown that I wore for senior pictures, which I only did because my mother insisted on it, I plop down onto the couch and begin flicking through the tv channels. If she wanted me to do all the normal senior year crap, the least she could do is be here for it. She's been gone for the most part since I was 16 for "business" but I'm not so sure I believe that anymore. Oh well, there's no point in getting upset over it now. I finally settle on a channel playing SpongeBob and make my way to the kitchen for snacks.

I'm not in the kitchen for long when I hear someone banging on the front door. I slam the pack of Oreos I had retrieved from the cabinet down on the counter and mumble as I stomp towards the door, "I swear if that's another delivery person who can't see the freaking doorbell or knock properly, I'm going to give them a beat down." As I round the corner and catch sight of who's on the other side of the door through the glass, all my anger dissipates and is replaced with worry. Standing on the other side of the door is my longtime best friend and newly rooted crush, Jeremy Gilbert and he looks hurt. I race to the door and as soon as I fling it open, he rushes in and slams it behind him.

I tug him towards the couch and motion for him to sit down before I run to the kitchen for the first aid kit and a wash rag. When I return, I finally can tell the full damage. There's a huge stab wound in the right side of his chest. He pulls his bloody t-shirt off as I sit down on the coffee table in front of him, "What the hell happened to you?"

He starts examining his wound and takes the first aid kit from me, "One of the Originals is pissed off again and you know how they are. When one of them is pissed, they're all pissed and they make it hell on earth for everyone else."

He's struggling to properly see the wound to clean it so I tug the rag from his hands, "Give me that before you make it worse."

He lets me take the rag so I set to work cleaning the blood away from around the wound and then cleaning the wound itself with some gauze and alcohol pads. When it's finally cleaned up, I have him hold a gauze pad to it while I grab some bandages. "Sorry I'm bleeding on your couch," he mumbles.

I turn my attention back to him with bandages in hand and glare on my face, "What was that? I can't hear you over the gaping hole in your chest!" He laughs softly which melts away my glare. I sigh, "It's fine. If it doesn't come out then I can just buy a new one with my mother's credit card."

I make sure to keep my eyes on the wound and not let them travel, which is proving to be a difficult task. I press lightly on the bandages to make sure they're secure before standing and collecting all the trash and the first aid kit and carrying it to the kitchen to put it where it belongs. When I return Jeremy is laughing at the episode of SpongeBob still playing on the tv. I return to the kitchen and find the Oreos where I left them as well as a few other snacks and drop them off with Jeremy on my way upstairs to find him a shirt. I find one of his hoodies in my room that he had left here several nights ago when he and Matt were here hanging out. I had been meaning to give it back to him so I pick it up and carry it downstairs to where he's now munching on snacks and still watching SpongeBob.

I drop the hoodie in his lap before taking a seat on the other end of the couch from him, "So, why here? I would've figured you'd go to Elena or Matt."

He shrugs and laughs at something Patrick says before responding, "First of all, this is probably one of the last places any of the Originals will think to look. Honestly, Elena and Matt are probably the only ones that will actually realize that I've come here. Second, they can't come in this house. The technical owner is away so this is the safest place to be until they decided to leave me alone."

I raise an eyebrow, he has very good points, "What did you even do to piss them off this time?"

"It's not what I did. It's what they think I did," he answers, "There's something they need and they think I stole it so they're after me."

"Who stole it?" I inquire.

"Elena, Stefan, and Damon," he answers with a laugh.

I nod. I kind of figured the drama trio had something to do with it. It's quiet for a few moments as I watch SpongeBob and Patrick aggravate Squidward but I can feel him staring at me and it's starting to bug me. "What?" I ask as I turn my attention back to him.

"Just wondering," he replies, shrugging.

"About?" I ask.

"Whether you'll go out with me this Friday. Assuming the Originals don't still want to kill me by then," he muses.

I laugh and can't help the huge smile that plasters itself across my face, "I'd love to and if they still want you dead by then, we can have a movie night here or something and call it a date."

He nods, "Sounds good." Then the doorbell rings so I hop up off the couch to go see who it is. As I turn the corner, I recognize the familiar blonde hair and open the door.

Matt steps in, "Is Jeremy here?"

I nod and lead motion to the living room, "On the couch but no longer bleeding."

Matt nods, "Didn't know he was bleeding but okay." I laugh as we both head into the living room. Matt takes his usual seat in one of the recliners and I sit back down on the couch. They update each other and me on everything that happened.

When they finish, I sigh, "Well, seems like no one is in any immediate danger. If this is the safest place for you guys to be right now then I guess we're having another game night. We're gonna need more snacks."

The boys set to work getting out the controllers and stuff for the gaming console while I return to the kitchen to procure as many snacks as I can find as well as a few sodas. As I'm digging around in the pantry, I faintly hear Matt ask, "Did you ask (Y/n) out yet?"

Jeremy shushes him and answers quieter but I can still make it out, "Yeah, we're gonna do something this Friday."

"Nice, just keep them safe, okay?" Matt responds.

"Dude, you know I wouldn't dream of ever letting them get hurt," Jeremy responds. My heart does a little leap of joy at how cute he is but I return to the living room with all our snacks and beverages pretending that I didn't hear their conversation. Tonight's going to be full of video games and laughter just like our usual hangouts, aside from the fact that an Original wants Jeremy dead. Although, I suppose that too has become a normal thing in this town.

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