30. Jeremy Gilbert

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"Seriously, I'm fine." I mutter into Jeremy's shoulder, his arms tightly pulling me to his chest as Damon continues to explain what happened in the vaguest way possible, knowing that my loving boyfriend could turn homicidal in a moments notice if he found out that Damon could've prevented me from getting hurt in the first place.

"She took a tumble, she's all good man." I send Damon a deadpanned look, head shaking simply as Jeremy pulls back, his hands reaching up to cup my cheeks as his eyes flicker back and forth between mine.

"Are you sure?" He asks, his eyes genuine and fearful as he tilts his head to look back at Damon with a stern glance as Damon reaches out to pat my boyfriends shoulder with a roll of his eyes.

"Calm down, pipsqueak, she's fine! Look at her, the cuts on her face only make her look more hot and more badass." I let out a huff as my back hits the pillows behind me, my fingers intertwining with Jeremy's as he sighs.

"Damon," Jeremy sighs and I watch with hesitant eyes as Damons sends Jeremy a nod of acknowledgment, "get out." I laugh under my breath as the vampire slips out of the room, closing the door and finally leaving the two of us alone. Jeremy's shoulders are tight as he turns back to me, his chest deflating as he looks over my scratched up face. "Can I do anything?" He asks, thumb reaching up to brush under my eye, the forming bruise making his stomach swirl with anxiety.

"I'm okay. Just need a few days of pain meds and ice. I'll be back to normal in no time." I whisper, reassuring him the best as I can as he nods, biting at the inside of his cheek as he slides down onto the bed next to me, pulling me to his chest.

"I'm never letting you leave the house alone with Damon ever again."

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