7. Alaric Saltzman

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When you were younger you were always a little different from the other kids in your village, not that you ever knew why, you actually would never find out until after you turned 18 years old. It was a normal day when Michael came looking for you, your mother had tried to tell him that he couldn't take you but he had no intentions of leaving without you and so he killed your mother and took you in the hopes that he could use you to draw out your Father, instead, your Uncle and Aunt came looking for you and saved you taking you back to your Father. You stayed with your Father and on your 18th birthday he turned you but before long it became clear that you were a Hybrid just like your Father.

It wasn't long before you started splitting off from your Father because you didn't agree with many of the decisions that he was making, you disappeared out of his reach because of his inability to put a dagger in your chest he simply had to let you leave, he thought that you would see his generosity and come back to him but that was never the case you were still there if he needed your help, but you never really came back to stay and that was how you found yourself fin Mystic Falls, you were found out pretty quickly by a hunter Alaric but you proved that you posed no threat despite the fact that they had never seen nor heard of a hybrid species before, it wasn't long before they were calling on you the help with whatever problems that they encountered.

Your secret was revealed when Katherine came to town looking for Elena to take back to your father, the moment that she saw you she thought that she could use what they didn't know about you against you but you didn't let the unease sit for too long, you decided that it was time for you explain everything trying to keep it a secret would only cause you more trouble. You called everyone over to your place and when they were there you decided to tell them everything that you thought that they needed to know. "So what are we all doing here?" Damon asked. "Well I wanted to be the one to tell you all, you know that Katherine has been hinting at something to do with my past and my family?" You asked and they all gave their variation of confirmation so you continued "well the thing that she's hinting at is that Klaus Mikaelson is my father." "He's real?" Damon asked and you rolled your eyes. "Yes, he's real." You nodded "he hasn't contacted me in quite a while. I don't know what he's up to now or why he might need you." You answered honestly. "Okay, so how can we be sure that you are telling us the truth?" Caroline asked and you shrugged. "You can't be but I've been here for a long that if I were here for her I would have taken her by now." You said but they didn't seem all that convinced. "Do with that information what you will but you should know that if my Father does try to employ my help then he needs to prove that his plan benefits anyone other than himself."

After that conversation it seemed that everyone treated you just a little differently but as time went on you became closer to Alaric who was tasked with keeping an eye on you, you were devastated when he died and elated when he came back to life, you helped him with his new status as an Original but before long he was human again and it was then that he decided to ask you out, you accepted and your relationship bloomed but the real trouble came when you woke up every morning for a week feeling sick, you don't even know what made you think of it but a couple of hours later you were holding two positive tests and trying to figure out what you were going to do. There were two options, the first was that you told Alaric what happened and you figured it out together and the second was that you take a leaf out of your father's book and you ran from those who were equipped to hurt you. Before you could make the decision yourself the world made it for you and you heard Alaric opening the door. "(Y/N)! Are you here? Caroline said that you weren't feeling well!" He called as you heard him get closer but your body just didn't want to move about the only thing that you could do was move your hand to your stomach. "(Y/N)." Your eyes moved to the door of the bathroom where he was standing, he walked over to you taking the test from your hand and looking at it. "Is this yours?" "Y-yes." You answered, everything seeming to get louder and more undisguisable as you realised what had happened. "Hey (Y/N) look at me, it's okay, we're gonna be okay," Alaric promised. "How can you be sure, we don't even know why I'm pregnant! I'm a vampire, I shouldn't be pregnant." You said as your eyes started to well up. "Hey breathe for me." He said softly as he sat you down taking both your hands in his "tell me what you are." "A hybrid." You answered. "So part of you is a vampire." He said and you nodded. "What's the other part?" "Werewolf." You answered. "That's the part that made this possible." He said softly as he ran his thumbs over your knuckles. "I promise you that no matter what, I'll stand by whatever you want to do but you have to tell me what you want to do." "What do I want?" You asked, your hand moved from his back to your stomach. "I want to... you promise that you'll stay?" "Always," He said without a second. "Then I want to keep it." You said without a second thought.

It was only 4 months later that you received a call from your Father "Hello?" You asked as you opened the fridge looking for something to eat. "(Y/N) my darling daughter, there's something that I need to talk to you about something." He said. "Well, you got me so talk." You ordered as you closed the fridge when deciding that you could not be bothered. Alaric who you didn't realise was behind you moved you out of the way looking inside himself before deciding what he was going to do for you. "I need your help with something." He answered. "Mmm funny you should say that, I don't think that I can be of much help, the truth of the matter is that I've run into something that I didn't think possible until a few months ago." You answered as you sat down at the kitchen island drawing patterns as you become more nervous. "What are you talking about? Are you okay?" He asked. "I'm fine, just pregnant." You answered ripping off the bandaid, there was silence for a second before he spoke. "How far along?" He asked. "A couple of months, we didn't want to tell anyone until we knew for sure that he was going to survive." You answered. "A boy?" Your father asked. "Mm." You hummed. "And the father?" He asked, "Is around, that all you need to know for now." You answered, "you've met him before no need to worry he can take care of himself, the baby and myself not that I need him too." Alaric placed the plate of food in front of you while rolling his eyes and pressing a kiss to your head. "Well then be safe." Your father said. "I'll call you when he's born so that you can meet him when it's safe for all of us." You explained. "Can I help you from here?" "No I don't think that you can but you should know that you'll have a younger sister soon." He said. "S-sister... I guess your werewolf gene works the same now that that curse is broken." You said in realisation, he gave a hum before saying that he needed to go but not before you told him to let you know if there was anything that you could do there. "You feel better?" Alaric asked after you hung up the phone. "I was worried about telling him." You answered honestly as you put your phone down. "Well now you've told him, you need to eat, you were hungry right?" He asked. "Yeah, thanks." You smiled as you pressed a kiss to his lips before eating.

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