31. Marcel Gerard

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"You haven't been yourself lately." Marcel confronted, sitting on the black leather sofa, staring at me like I was acting this way with no purpose.

"Normally your all chatty and bubbly, now your..." He waved his hand, gesturing to my curled figure by the ledge of the balcony. I sat there leaning on the cold metal bars watching as people walked the streets looking for something to buy while touring the town. The star lights lit up the city, it was like magic, I would always look up at the sky and it was just...amazing. Like a huge artwork but always moving. It was the only sight worth seeing these days, and the only thing I looked forward to.

I looked over at him with a hateful look, which didn't make him happy.

"What do you expect me to do? After what you have decided Marcel, I can no longer feel joy towards you or in this place we call home." Segregating the witches, punishing them for their nature was unacceptable. It hurt my heart knowing I couldn't save them and wasn't as powerful as I used to be. I was always being watched, except at night, that is the only time I have privacy anymore.

"This again?" He sighed, leaning forward with a frown on his face. Jane-Anne was caught doing ma- "

"She's a witch Marcel!" I abruptly sped over, making him go silent as I stood in front of him with rage flowing through my body. "Witches do magic! She lost her daughter because of you, if you had let the ceremony continue, they would all be alive but now you have screwed us all! This is why vampires shouldn't meddle with witch business, you undead bastards understand nothing!" I turned away shaking my head, tears springing to my eyes, I couldn't save her...Marcel had the upper hand, after he stopped the harvest, he demanded all witches stop using their magic, and that included me considering I didn't agree with the new rule. He stole my grimoire, which is tethered to my magic and if he eradicates it, my magic and every descendant's charm of my tribe will be gone.

"Then tell me, what would have happened if the harvest continued?"

"I have told you! The girls would be sacrificed and brought back with more magic than they had before. Now Davina is stuck with all 4 elements, and the ancestors despise her for disobeying her coven. "

"I get it the end will come but you're not an ancestral witch, you don't know how to use their magic. So, until you can give me evidence instead of words that this will happen, the witches and you will still be under my command understand?" He walked over, getting a little too close for my liking, and whispered. "And the next time you yell at me, I will make sure to burn that book."

"I used to think of you as my son Marcellus, but you've turned into him. I am very disappointed in you, little warrior." He stopped for a second, upset that I felt this way, but continued to walk out without another word. He didn't care about me anymore, or he did but didn't want to seem weak in front of his men. Soon he was out of sight, and when I knew he couldn't hear me I jumped off the balcony, I needed to find Sophie, maybe she will know what her sister was up to with the new spell she decided to sacrifice herself for. Unfortunately, Jane was publicly executed earlier today, before I could ask her anything. Was she trying to find Davina and finish the ritual? It's the only thing that makes sense as to why she would use magic. I sped down multiple dark alleys towards the cemetery when I heard a whoosh behind me, probably one of Marcel's guards trying to follow me. I stopped and quickly slipped into the shadows above, watching as the vampire searched the area for me.

"Y/n!!" I gasped at the man, Klaus...No it couldn't be him, it's not him, he wouldn't come back after all this time. We never went to another place twice, unless...Mikael was dead. "Where are you..." He silently sobbed running up to the other balconies across from my position trying to get a better view of where I was, he could find me if he tried hard enough. That's how I knew, he would know that I was hiding in the shadows. I was a witch as well as a vampire and shifter, I was called a tribrid though I wasn't born under the moon like Klaus was. I could shift into any animal as I pleased, but with Davina having the ability to see who does magic my abilities are limited. However, my disappearing skills came in handy when I wished to hide.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09, 2023 ⏰

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