26. Alaric Slaztman

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Exiting my classroom I rushed to the bathroom leaning over the toilet and puking. Luckily it was lunch time so all the students were in the cafeteria for the time being. Wiping my hand across my mouth I throw my head back groaning in disgusts that this is happening. Exiting the bathroom a few seconds later I tripped on a trash can screaming but arms wrapped around my waist before I could hit the cold floor of the high school. "Woah careful there. I'd hate to see anyone like you slip and fall..Y/n oh my god is it really you?" I recognized the voice as a guy that I had a one night stand with at a bar in my hometown years ago. Once he helps me to stand on my feet I still gripped his arms just in case I would fall again. "Hi Ric long time no see huh...thanks for the save I've gotta go."

I tug my arms from his grasp starting to walk away but pain shoots to my stomach where I gripped onto it. My hair falls over my shoulders and he rests a hand on my back softly rubbing circles on my back. "Hey, are you okay. What's going on are you following me or something. Uh - not that I'm not happy to see you again." He stuttered where I sighed turning to face him resting his right hand on my stomach. His eyes trained on mine softly in confusion. "Ric, I'm not following you. I just came here for a fresh start...it's just...I'm pregnant and...it's yours." I watched him gasp knitting his brows at my words. We had gotten together after having some tequila at a bar..in New Orleans I think. "Are you sure...I would have stayed if I had known something like this would happen. I'm sorry Y/n."

"Ric, it's okay really. I - I'm just worried you wouldn't want it. So I decided to just try and start my life over-" He cuts me off wrapping his arms around my waist pulling me into his embrace. I sighed a little taken back by his actions but I bury my face into his chest until he broke the hug moving hair from my eyes. "Of course I'd want it. No matter what I will always be here for you. How about I buy you lunch we've got about an hour before we have classes to teach." He suggested with a smile titling his head to the side. Intertwining my hand with his he kisses my hair draping his arm over my shoulder leading me outside to his car. 

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