27. Stefan Salvatore

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Y/N hated when she'd be out with Stefan and all of the girls would cling to him like he was a magnet. He only had eyes for her but Y/N couldn't stand the way Elena still lingered around as if she still cared. She broke his heart for Damon, Caroline has been obsessed with him since he arrived in Mystic Falls. The freshmen girls watched him strut down the hallway.

The junior girls always waited in groups and waved as he passed. But the one thing Y/N couldn't stand...when a girl flirted with him like she wasn't standing next to him. Oh it made her blood boil and everything in her crawl. Pretending she didn't exist because she had one of the yummiest boyfriends in Mystic Falls really irked her.

Stefan insisted he take Y/N out for dinner at The Grill. With Silas dead, his memories back, he finally found time to take her out and spend time with her. A waitress was watching from the bar, grinning at him. "You do realize you're the hottest guy in here right? Ever since you got your memories back it's like every girl is all over you." Y/N frowned and played with the straw in her drink. Stefan let out a deep exaggerated sigh in response.

His face then turned red. "I wouldn't say the hottest..." Y/N grinned up at him. He was always so humble. "I don't know why it's only now after my memories came back, but you are the one I want Y/N...I explain it to you all the time.." He explained in the most gentle Stefan way possible. Y/N nodded and grabbed his hand from across the table, her thumb playing with his daylight ring. He was right, he did reassure her a lot and she needed to start trusting just a bit more.

"You are the hottest. FYI." She whispered and Stefan looked down at his lap with a smile on his face, biting his lip to keep from smiling too big. "I just don't like everyone staring at you. I wish I could just act on it and show them how much I don't like it." Y/N rolled her eyes. Stefan thought she was adorable like this, she isn't threatening at all.

Stefan rested his chin on his hand and brushed his thumb over hers. "I don't like when guys stare at you but I never act on it." He added. "Jealousy is okay, as long as you control it, Y/N." Why does he always have to add his words of Stefan wisdom?

"Not when you're mine!" She argued and was a little too loud at the same time. "Especially when they look better than me..." She trailed off.

Stefan rolled his eyes this time. "Y/N...you're also mine. Isn't that something in itself? Something to fall back onto for comfort? I choose to be with you." He narrowed his eyes at her. Y/N wouldn't admit it. "Come on. Say it. You want to agree with me."

Yes she did. He was right and she was wrong which was usual. And she wanted to laugh at herself for how silly she was being. Stefan had never given her a reason not to trust him before.

"Come on Y/N." He leans further across the table at her. Their moment was interrupted by the waitress. Stefan looked up with those big green eyes and the waitress nearly melted in the most visible way possible. Shuddering and all.

Y/N knew Stefan just proved her point. "This is your bill but I think it'll be on me." The waitress walked away with a noticeable sway in her hips. Stefan was being stared down by Y/N and awkwardly scratched his head.

"I uh..." He coughed and read the bill. "It's free food so..." He shrugged at her. Y/N frowned and sat back, crossing her arms. "Come on Y/N do you think I do that on purpose? I was born like this." He ran his hands through his fluffy hair. "All joking aside I don't want anyone else, baby." He said gently again.

"No, you don't do it on purpose. But I'm going to get you some contacts that make your pretty green eyes a shit brown color and then nobody will melt when they look into your eyes." She hissed.

"Y/N..." He started and was starting to become frustrated. They were interrupted again by a female plopping herself into the booth next to Stefan without so much as acknowledging Y/N. Y/N gasped. She couldn't believe what she was seeing, it was like someone cast a spell on her boyfriend and they couldn't resist themselves. But to be fair Caroline did the exact same thing when the group met Stefan for the very first time.

"How about I write my number on that paper?" She playfully grinned. It was like Y/N didn't exist and Stefan was growing more uncomfortable by the second. She had a hand loosely placed on his bicep and Y/N wasn't sure if she should be seething or cry. How disrespectful and distasteful. No class whatsoever.

"Oh no we uh..." Stefan started scratching his ear. "Okay look, I've got a girlfriend sitting across from me. I'd appreciate it if you'd stop." Always the gentleman. But Y/N wanted to see him snap.

Y/N huffed when the girl pressed her hand to Stefan's jawline. She wanted nothing more than to see Stefan tear into her jugular now. "I'm leaving." Y/N collected her things and headed for the front door. She had to be the bigger person, after all Stefan could handle himself. She knew he'd compel her or just completely walk away,

Stefan choked on air and pushed the stranger off of him who followed them outside. "Please stop. Y/N please...." He begged her. But she kept following them to the car into the dark alleyway. Y/N didn't stop until she heard a gasp and teeth tearing into flesh.

Stefan huffed, taken aback by his sudden action. Blood smeared across his lips and dripped down his chin and into the collar of his shirt. The patterns that danced under his eyes faded and he was back to his sweet human self. He looked down at the lifeless body of the poor girl who followed them outside and Y/N could swear she almost felt bad.

He looked up at her and grinned crookedly at her and what he said next had a hint of amusement in his voice.

"Looks like I got two free meals tonight..." He started to collect the limp body in his arms to dispose of it. 

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