13. Kai Parker

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The air was still warm despite the sun having been long gone for at least an hour, you had somehow managed to drag Kai out to a look-out point not far from town to watch the sunset. The sky had drifted from the bright pinks and oranges to black and the stars glimmered above you, a soft rumbling could be heard in the distance but any chances of a storm wasn't visible from the view.

"It's definitely going to start raining soon," Kai stated but made no effort to move from the bench you'd been sitting at for at least two hours. You glanced at him briefly, it was difficult not to ogle him as he stretched his arms out and looked back at the storm that was rolling in from behind you.

"Can't you do a spell and stop it from raining?" you giggled bringing his attention back to you, he rolled his eyes and a smile pulled at his lips at your enquiry.

His hands roamed your waist pulling you from your seat next to him and turning you so you could straddle his lap. "You think you're funny, huh?"

The way his hands rested against your waist and the playful glint that shone in his eyes made you completely forget the rumbling storm that was quickly getting closer. Kai had a way of doing that to you, making you forget the world around you and focus entirely on him in a way that you'd never experienced before, he could make you a flustered mess just by smiling at you from across the room.

"What? You don't think I'm funny?" you pouted, hitting his shoulder softly, his hand coming up to grab your wrist so he could intertwine his fingers with yours. A small grin plastered on his face to match the bashful smile on yours as a result of his actions.

He laughed lightly and leaned forward for a moment to press a soft peck against your lips eliciting a warm heat onto your cheeks. Soft raindrops began to fall when he pulled away causing both of you to look up and see the storm rolling in above you.

"Sorry baby, but I don't have a spell to stop the rain." he mumbled, his hands massaging your waist as the rain fell onto you both, "C'mon, let's go home." Your hand came up to his chest to stop him, a smile playing on your lips and Kai eased back into the wooden bench.

"I've always loved the rain, it's pretty," you glanced at the sky but Kai's gaze never left your face, his heart fluttering at the childlike joy shining in your eyes. The warm air contrasted the cold water that had begun to sink into your skin but you couldn't have cared less. Your gaze returned to Kai, his eyes glazed with adoration, the reflection of your own eyes evident in his blown-out pupils. "Almost as pretty as you."

His face flushed pink at your admission, he didn't get shy often but somehow, you'd figured out how to make his insides go to mush and get his brain to stop functioning. You called him out on his blush with a giggle and it only flustered him more, "I don't know what you're talking about," he mumbled, burying his head between your neck and shoulder to hide his burning cheeks.

The rain was coming down quicker now, soaking through your clothes and leaving goosebumps across your skin. "We should really go home; I don't need you getting a cold," he mumbled against your neck, his warm lips leaving a soft kiss against your cold skin. You whined softly at the prospect of leaving the haven you were in and a soft chuckle escaped from Kai at your response.

"I have another idea," you claimed and moved from his lap, he raised his eyebrows in confusion but you gave little indication of your thoughts until you kneeled on the wet grass just across from his crotch. The rain clouded your vision but the soft grunt from above meant he enjoyed this idea just as much as you did, your hands gently pulled the sweatpants from his waist tugging at his boxers at the same time.

He hissed as the cold rain hit his semi-hard cock, his eyes were hooded and his breath was heavy when your hands wrapped around his cock pumping it softly, the rain making the movement smooth. "Gotta keep this warm," you mumbled, it wouldn't have been audible if his hearing wasn't superhuman but before he could question you, he understood, the warmth of your mouth surrounded his hard cock and he cursed at the feeling.

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