23. Damon Salvatore

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"I've been in such a hell hole recently, like mentally. I've been repeating the same day for two months now– the same drill, the same routine of the day, and now all my days are mixing into one. Point is, I'm just feeling very.. bleh", you complain to Damon.

Your relationship with Damon was complicated. You weren't best friends, or very close & comfortable with each other in the way you were with Stefan. You were pretty comfortable around him but there was this certain.. tension? Like you both knew what you wanted, but it was layers of denial and tension that brought you here. Damon had no idea how long something he'd say would last in your mind, or how many sleepless nights you had spent fantasizing about him, or giggling about something he said. You had defended yourself and lied to your friends about not being attracted to him so much that you had started to believe yourself. You would fantasize about him, and every accidental touch would leave you with goosebumps for days, but you still lied to yourself— pretending as if you weren't attracted to him.

Anyways, where were you? You had moved in with the Salvatores a week ago after your landlord kicked you out— there was vervain in the water supply so you couldn't compel him. Stefan had gone out to get some dinner and you were sitting next to Damon, talking about your days with each other— you know, as two people who believe that they aren't attracted to each other but aren't besties either do on a usual basis. Nothing to see here.

"Y/N, the fact that you said all that when I asked you "what's up?" is literally telling me you're not okay. Up, let's go", Damon says.

"Go where?", you groan, "I just wanna be here with you while I go on complaining about my life", you say, not thinking before you said it.

Damon's cheeks are on the verge of blushing, "Well, miss Y/N, go on. I'll be here listening— but wait, let me call Stefan, what is taking him so long?", he sighs.

"Y/N here is on the verge of spiraling and you're stuck in the rain?? Brother, you may not act like one, but you are a vampire, rain has literally got NOTHING on you?!", Damon says, shaking his head while talking to Stefan.

"I'm not spiraling!", you say, hitting Damon's arm.

"Yet," Damon smirks.

"Damon, I told you, there's too much rain tonight. The food will reach you guys soon, I arranged for delivery using my vampire skills." Stefan says, earning an eye roll from Damon. "Ah Stefan, ever the delivery hero. Crash at Elena's, it's near where you are."

"Alright, I will. Take care, Damon, don't let Y/N spiral!"

"I'M NOT SPIRALING!", you practically scream, hitting Damon once again.

"I DIDN'T SAY IT, HE DID!", Damon says, trying to suppress his laughter.

You pout, throwing your head back on the couch. "So Stefan's not coming, and I'm stuck with you", you groan.

Damon looks surprised, "Didn't you literally say you wanted to be with me for the night two minutes ago?"

"I didn't say for the night. That's your fantasy", you tease him. Just when he's about to give a witty answer, the doorbell rings.

"Pizza." You say, "I don't feel very hungry."

"Oh, come on, you haven't eaten since lunch. Have a slice?", Damon says.


You head over to the microwave to heat the pizza and just as you put it in, you feel a familiar presence behind you. It's Damon, but it's different now. Times like these are when you have to convince yourself that you're not in love with him.

You turn around to leave, almost bumping into him. His cologne haunts your nose, and his eyes are on you. You look up at him but your gaze stops at his lips. He notices this and internally smirks, leaning forward to get the pizza out of the microwave. You get out of his way, tired of the sexual tension, and head towards your room. A bizarre idea strikes you.

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