before you read!

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OKAY! i get it this book was going too fast, it is bad, and it confusing, i think the same way.

if you read my other book "new kid" you can see my writing has gotten better throughout that book. compare the chapters and stuff, i got better. i don't like this book a lot as "new kid" but i kept it up because other people like it, which i'm glad you guys do so i will like to thank you guys.

thank you for taking your time to read this story, i appreciate it, a lot. i was just reading and i was like why not become a writer you know? so i started to write this story and the books i read were fast paced so that's why mines is like that because i thought that's how things work here on wattpad but it doesn't. i've learned so much the past almost year and you can tell in my other book "new kid". please forgive me with the grammar mistakes, i will be fixing those soon, i promise.

BUT thank you guys for being interest to the book and hopefully you like this fast paced book.

i love every single one of you, eat and drink something for me, and vote please, once again thank you <3

started: 8/3/2020
finished: 10/5/2021

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