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*Y/n POV*

After the talk I had with Mattia we started to mess around,tickling eachother,chasing eachother around the house,just acting like we were never step sblings and acting like a happy couple.

Mattia:Now I'm hungry
Y/n:Fatass,come on likes make something in the kitchen.
Mattia:Who are you calling a 'fatass'?

Then he started to come after me so I ran,I ran out my room to downstairs.I could hear myself and Mattia laughing.

I finally made it to the kitchen and got ontop of the island top.Mattia looked up at me with a big smile on his face while I'm still laughing.

Mattia:Get down
Mattia:I promise you I won't do anything amor.
Y/n:You promise?
Mattia:I promise

I got down but across from him just in case,then he gets on the island and sits on it.I started to walk in front of him and grabbing a bowel and some pasta.

Mattia:And either way you are the one with a fatass.

Then I felt my left cheek got slapped.


Then I felt his arms wrapped around my waist,then he puts his head on my shoulder.

Mattia:That ass is mine
Y/n:Whatever you say
Mattia:Mhm.What are you making?
Y/n:Pasta with some meatballs.
Mattia:So you are kinda doing a dish from where I am from?
Y/n:I know your Italian and Mexican
Y/n:When you are mad and start yelling you have this thick Italian accent and I think it's so cute.Then I know your Mexican because your mom told me.
Mattia:You are the first that says I have a thick yelling Italian accent.
Y/n:Well I'm glad that I am.


Then Mattia and I both snapped our necks to the front door.

Y/n:Did you invite anyone?

I moved Mattia arms off my wasit and went to the front door but then Mattia can running to me.

Mattia: I am not leaving you again.

And I blushed

Mattia:Did I make my princess blush?

And I hid my face with my hands.

Y/n:Let's go get the door

Mattia nodded and we both walked up to the door.

We opend the door and saw no one there.

Y/n:Why would my security let this person in?
Mattia: I don't know...oh look

He pointed at the door.There was a note.I grabbed it.

Y/n:I'm gonna call security,and see who they let in.
Mattia:Let me read the note

I gave him the the note,got my phone out,and called the security.

Y/n:Hi this is Y/n,I have a question.

*Mattia POV*

While Y/n called security,I opend the note and started to read it.

Dear Y/n,
You maybe wondering what happened at school.That was just something small,something bigger will be coming soon :) Now don't trying hiding, just because you are an influencer dosen't means you can hide beatiful. See you soon ;)

Huh? What? Some-someone is coming for my princess,my queen,my Y/n y/l/n. I need to protect her,she is my everything,my amor. I can't lose her,she is my everything.No no no nooooo, I can't lose her.I felt a tear dripped down for my eye to my cheek.

Y/n: Oh ok thank you,bye

Then she started to walk towards me.

Y/n:What happened?Mattia are you ok?

I passed her the note and sniffed my nose a few times.

Y/n looks at the note and start reading it .She looks at the note side to side,reading as fast as she could.

Y/n:Look nothing is going to happen to me
Mattia:Yes,something is gonna happen to you and- and I don't want to lose you mi amor.

I said while putting her hair behind her ears.

Mattia:I love you bellissima (beautiful)
Y/n:I love you too mi amor but I promise nothing bad is gonna happened.
Mattia:What if he got to Italy,my dad lives there,you can met the rest of my family.
Y/n:Are you forgetting we are steo sblings?Look remember I said 'I trust you' earlier?Now I need you to trust me amor ok?

I was still crying and sniffling,but I was more clam.

Y/n:Estes bien? (Are you ok?)
Mattia:Si mi amor (yes my love)
Y/n:Vamos a comer (come lets eat)

Y/n holded my hand and lead me to the kitchen to eat.

Hey guys,how was your day? I would like to say thank you for 2.47k views,this means a lot to me but thank you,I love every single one of you ❤. Sorry I took long to update but I'm trying,sorry for any spelling errors,love y'all ❤

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