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*Y/n POV*

The day has finally come, the day I dreaded the most. The day I never imagined when I was with Mattia. Mattia... last night... I loved it. After our make-out sensation last night, I was smiling, hard.

Mattia: God Y/n, why couldn't I meet you differently?

He detached our lips. I open my eyes to see my lover. I play with the nape of his hair while smiling at him. I don't care what was going to happen tomorrow, the day after, or the day after that. This moment is everything to me. Especially after everything that has happened.

Y/n: Me too, I wanted so many things for us but it's never going to happen now, our parents are becoming official tomorrow.
I sadly say.
Y/n: We should have done things so our parents could have broken up sooner.

We should of. We should of accuse them of things, leading them up to fight, possibly for them to break up but no, we didn't do anything. We just thought of the moment instead of the future and now, it's too late. Now the only thing we can do is cherish the moment.

Xavier: Y/n?
I snap out of the flashback and look at Xavier who is at the doorways
Xavier: Uh breakfast is ready.
And quickly leave.

Xavier has been a bit a distance from me ever since I left the balcony last night. I don't know why. What happens if I got some type of anxiety attack and he isn't there to help me? I can never express this enough but, Xavier means something so big to me now. He helps me so much and he doesn't even notice. He saw me at the worst, screaming from a nightmare, my anxiety attacks, my random courage to cry, to hit something, just staying in my room all day if I wanted to. He would be there. Xavier has been there for me. It was never me that has been picking myself up, it has been Xavier.

I take a deep breath and walk to my door. I smile, just thinking that I will be able to see Mattia again.

I quickly walk downstairs to the kitchen where everyone is waiting for me. At the table, I see My dad at one end, Maria to his left, Gianluca, and across from Gian is an empty seat, but Mattia is sitting to my dad's right, while Xavier is across an empty seat next to Gian. The middle between Xavier and Mattia is empty. My seat.

I seat between the two, still smiling.

Y/n: Good morning everyone.
I say happy. Everyone looks at me confused.
Y/n: What? Do I have something on your face?

I lift one of my hands to touch my face and move it over my cheeks. I don't feel anything on me. I look at Mattia with one of my eyebrows raised asking him with my facial expression 'do I have something on my face?'. Mattia shakes his head 'no' and smiles back at me. I blush and smile back. Before we can be caught for starting too long I look at my father.

Maria: There's nothing wrong, just you're so happy, jumpy, and there's nothing wrong with that just, the accident.
Y/n: Well last night, Mattia unlocked some new memories.
I side-eyed Mattia that's on my left and see he is letting out a breath of relief I didn't snitch us out. I giggle.
Maria: Oh, let's start breakfast.

Everyone grabs different plates set on the table with different types of food: fruits, pancakes, eggs, sausage, bacon, and more. After everyone grabbed what food they desire, Maria and my father starts talking about how excited they are for later today. Their wedding. As I calmly eat my food I felt a hand placed on my thigh. I look to see it's Mattia's. Slowly I bring my hand down and hold his.

*10 am*

Maria: Y/n, can you help me with the makeup?
Y/n: Of course.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now