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*Mattia POV*

I walk around the small building trying to looking for Y/n and her red dress she tried on. I couldn't see my Y/n. Does it have to do with the fact we finally got caught? Is she embarrassed by me now?

After I try comforting her she ran straight to Xavier when he showed up. I felt jealousy wash over me when I saw it happened. I wanted to push Xavier away but I couldn't because 1: Xavier has been there for Y/n while I was struggling to remember her and 2: It looks like she likes Xavier more already and I can't do anything but let her be happy, even if it's not with me. I want Y/n for myself, just me. Not Nico's or Xavier, just me.

Mattia: Hey Y/n/d have you seen Y/n? I need to talk to her something important.
Y/n/d: No actually I haven't after her panicked attack. Do you know why she got one in the first place?
Mattia: No, I don't.

I quickly left the conversation at that and walked away. I mumbled a 'Y/n where are you' under my while looking around. The ceremony is about to start in a few minutes. I look for a girl and when I see my aunt I jogged up to her.

Mattia: Hey, can you go upstairs and see if the maid of honor is doing okay? She hasn't come down yet.
Aunt: Oh! Of Course!

My aunt quickly goes upstairs and goes to Y/n room that's Xavier is in with her. I clenched my jaw and clutched my hand to a fist. I hate this so fucking much.

I see my aunt coming back down stairs with a sad expression.

Aunt: She said she's fine but she was stuttering while she said it and sound like trying to catch her breath. Maybe she doesn't feel well.
I nod my head and walked away.

I felt myself range with anger. I wanted to punch something.

When Y/n doesn't feel good, her voice is very, very, soft that can be missed. When she is crying, yes she stutters but she isn't breathe so hard.

I walked outside and started to walk a bit far so no one can hear me but I'm sure they still can. I look up at the skies and see how clear of blue they are with big clouds decorating the sky. I look back down. I take all of my anger out with a scream with my hands clenched creating a fist.

I kick a nearby rock and see it go as high as the trees near us. I was about to scream again till I heard a small voice.

Rose: Um excuse me?
I turn around thinking it would be Y/n but someone else. I sigh hard and close my eyes to relax.
Mattia: Sorry for what you just saw. Mattia.
I take my hand out for her to shake it.
Rose: Rose. It's okay, you have to get your anger out in someway.

I take a good look of Rose. She has Raven black hair with a beautiful shade of emerald green eyes, light freckles across her nose to her upper cheek bone, her nose is in a perfect shape, her lips are shaped as a heart, perfect teeth. Rose basically had everything a girl wants.

Mattia: Yeah.. So are you with the groom or bride?
Rose: The groom. My father has been best friends with him since middle school.
Mattia: Wow. That's—
I say speechless. Since middle school?
Rose: Right? I think I would already be annoyed by the person by high school.
Rose steals a chuckle from me while she giggles. Her giggle is up lifting.
Rose: C'mon the ceremony is about to start.

We both walk up to the building while I try to think what I'm going to do.

Am I still going to be with Y/n?

Will our dreams be fulfilled?

Did I even think of Y/n when I was talking to Rose?

No, I didn't but I still love my Y/n. Yes love. I basically remember everything of what happened to us. I make it seem like I don't sometimes because I want to be with her a little longer than I should. Most likely that won't happen anymore because of what's happening.

I shake my head from the negative thoughts and kept walking with Rose. I see Y/n already ready for my mother. I stand behind him while Rose took up the first row with I'm guessing her father. Everyone starts taking their places in the room. After a moment the music started to play.

I look around one more time for Y/n. I look to my right and see she is not standing where she is supposed to be. I felt like a piece was missing. A piece maybe that I won't get back.

I see a white big gown and my mother smiling brightly. She looks absolutely beautiful in her dress, she looks genuinely happy. Today is her day and no one is going to ruin it.

I try and forget everything that has already happen and only focus the ceremony. My grandpa looks at my mom with eyes that looks like are about to cry.

After, my mother finally comes and stand next to my father. I see my mother looking around for someone but when she found out that person is not here she sighs sadly and looks down for a moment before looking back up.

Y/d/n: I'm sorry she didn't make it
Mom: It's okay, things happens
They whisper to each other. I want her here but looks like she won't be here but hopefully soon come to the after party.

The ceremony starts and the worst part comes.

Priest: Do you, Y/d/n Y/l/n take Maria Polibio as your lawful wedded wife?
There was a moment of silence.
Y/d/n: I do
I felt my heart break on one side.

Priest: Do you, Maria Polibio take Y/d/n Y/l/n as your lawful wedded wife?
There was a another moment of silence. A longer one.
Maria: I-I do

And that's when my heart finally broke.....


ahhhhh will them two have a happy ending????? idkkkkk anywyas love you all thank you for reading this book to find out what's going to happen.

sorry for any mistakes!

make sure you eat and drink something loves, you are all beautiful inside and out, like i said, love you all <33


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