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i'm going to start crying but i don't care.

i've been holding on to this chapter this whole day because i did want our journey to be final but it's here.

i had this whole speech ready for you all but i'm speechless... absolutely speechless...

in the beginning i was so excited to see myself finishing my first novel but now i'm sad. still happy i'm finishing my first novel but sad.

this book means so much to me since it's my first and also shows some growth. there's some points in my writing where there are growth.

i really want to thank the people that stayed since day one. day one!!! as in you have been with me since i posted my first five chapters or under. please let me know if you have been with me since day one, i would love to message you and ask you questions about my writing and other things as in to thank you personal. i want to give you guys a huge hug for staying for over a year. yes it has been a year and a month i think.

if you guys have questions about anything, comment and i will do my own little q & a.

i will like to thank you for everyone to take time out of their day to read my book. i understand the grammar is absolutely horrible so i'm glad you guys stayed.

if you want to keep reading my books i have a alejandro book called "New Kid; Alejandro Rosario" and a mafia book but not a New Jersey boys book: "Mr. D' Angelo"

but here is where our journey is officially done.

i love you all so much you really don't understand. make sure you eat and drink something for me my beautiful babies <33.


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