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*Y/n POV*

I look down on my lap and turn on my phone to see 1 am. I have been out for almost 8 hours. I look out the window and just look at the passing trees. I didn't know my leg was bouncing up and down pretty fast till Xavier put his hand on my thigh. I stop. I look back at the boy. I didn't feel the same things I felt when I was with Mattia. I didn't feel my thigh getting hot from the contact of his hand. I didn't feel any butterflies or spark. I didn't feel my cheeks getting warm from the contact, no, I just felt, felt normal. My anxiety is still high, even though his hand is on my leg, it doesn't mean he completely stopped me from the thousands of thoughts that run in my mind. I wanted to keep bouncing my leg but I want it to seem like he can stop my anxious side.

Xavier: You will be fine, you end up coming back.
I nod my head.

They wouldn't get mad at me, right? I did promise I will come back. I also promised I will come back at the end of the day! Already broke a promise for my first day. Creating a good image yourself Y/n. I sigh from the thought.

Xavier keeps driving, he helped me so much in those 8 hours. Xavier helped me to keep the family I love off my mind. I play with my fingertips on my lap and let the cold air kiss my cheeks. I just wanted to run away, if you told me 7 months ago that my dad, close friends, my almost new family, my lover, will lose their memory of me, I wouldn't believe you. I would laugh in your face and tell you, 'you're crazy' or 'that would never happen'. I would have done that.

Look at me, in that situation, the biggest problem I've ever faced in my almost 18 years of life. I just wanted to stay in my room since they let me stay at their house. It's true, it doesn't even feel like it's my house anymore. Doesn't feel like home.

Dad: I also forgot to say we live in a mansion-ish
Y/n: That should be fun.
Dad: It's something I can do to make your move.
Y/n: Look you found happiness, you should be worried about yourself and I will be worried about me ok?
And he nods.......

We finally go get in the car to go to the house and when we pulled up to the house everyone knew who we were and let us in. I look at the house and it's beautiful.

Dad: You like it?
Y/n: Yea I like it a lot.
Dad: You get your own room and bathroom.
Y/n: Thank you thank you thank you!
I said hugging him and he laughed it off.......

Even though my father bought the house almost for me since he found happiness in a different state, I can't even call it home anymore.

I didn't even notice tears were swimming down my cheeks till I felt a hand wiping them off. I look up to see Xavier with a frown. He wipes my tears and brought our faces closer.

Xavier: You will be okay, I promise.
After he said that, he kissed my forehead.
Xavier: C'mon, we are here.

I look out of my window to see we are here. I felt even more scared to just step a foot in the driveway. What happens if they give up trying to recover their memories? Would they let me stay? I have nowhere to go if it gets to that point.

I hear my door open and see a hand. I take his hand and got out of the car.
Xavier: We will get your stuff out of the car tomorrow.
I nod my head and hold his hand tight, not wanting anything else slip through my fingers.

I slowly walk up to the doors and look at the house as if it's something I've never seen before. Before I knew it I was already in front of the big door that leads to my problems. I look at Xavier and he nods his head. I take a deep breath and hover over the doorknob. I let the breath out and placed my hand on the handle, twisting to open the door. I look at Xavier and he nodded his head to let me know 'you will be okay '. I nod my head in return and open the door fully. I look to see no lights are on but some shadow figure on the couch. The only light that really provided for us is the lamp that was next to the couch. The person sitting on the couch snaps their neck to Xavier's and I direction fast, fast enough to the point I want to know how their neck is not snapped.

I look at the person and I felt my breath pause for a few seconds. Mattia. He had a grey sweater that had the word 'champion' in the middle across his chest, his hair flopped on his head but it was a good one, even though he had cute, messy, hair, yet he still looks attractive. Mattia placed his right hand on the couch but at the top. I look down at the hand to see a white wrap around his hand with a big bloodstain on it. Oh no.

I look at Xavier.
Y/n: I will meet you upstairs
Xavier: Alright

Xavier slowly walks upstairs while still holding eye contact with me. I smile at him causing him to smile back, making his dimple show. His cute little dimple. I see he walks up the stairs, breaking the eye contact. I look back at the boy that is in front of me. Mattia stands up and I walk closer to him, meeting halfway. I took deep breathes while walking up to him, I've never felt this nervous with anyone besides him, with Mattia everything is different, he makes the world stop, make butterflies explode in my stomach with one single touch, kiss, look, anything. Mattia makes every second in life special when he is around, makes a spark, spark up in me, makes me feel hot under his stare or touch, and I love it. I love how he makes me feel. I love the weird tingly sensation that goes down my spine or that goes across my body. I loved it when we were together our kiss was always like our first but better. I can't really explain the feeling because I really don't know how to explain it. It's just he makes me precise, endearment, balmy, but I know there is another term for it.

Mattia: You made it
he whispers looking down at me

Y/n: I promised
I whisper back


heyyy guys, so she did end up going back, what do you think will happen? when will everything go back to "normal"? thank you for reading my book, love every single one of you, eat and drink something for me, you are loved by me and many others.

tiktok : c.t.v.author
instagram : ctvauthor

ALSO! for my alejandro lovers, you guys should check out my other book 'the new kid; alejandro rosario' i think that book is my favorite book because i love how i written it and how much i learned got put into that book. anyways, see you guys in the next chapter.

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