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*Y/n POV*

Saturday 11:47 am

Than he kisses my left cheek.
Than he kisses my right cheek.

(Love in Japanese i think because I searched it up tell me if I'm wrong)

Than kisses my forehead so I decided to stop fake sleeping.

Kairi:Yay your up
I giggle
Kairi:Omg your giggle is so cute
I put my hands up my face and blush
Kairi:Babe,there is nothing to be scared or embarrassed about I love it.
He says as he pulls my hands away so he can fully see my face.
Kairi:I love you
Y/n:I love you too

He gets on top of me with each leg aside of me and hugges meI wrap my hands around his neck while he wraps his around my wasit.

I really do love him.I love every single about him.His smile,his fluffy hair,his small little streak of that bleach hair,his laugh,his giggle,his shortness but I also can't say anything because I'm shorter than him.And many more of course but I don't want to sound cheesy.

Than I remember.

Y/n:I get my car today around 2-4 and my dad wants me to pick him and Maria up at the airport at 7.
Kairi:Well it's 11:52 so let's get ready.

Kairi pulled back and pecked my lips.He got off of me and layed on the bed with his phone on his hand.

I got up,grabbed my towel I keep here, and got to the bathroom.

I turn on the shower and turn the water to warm but mostly hot.

I let the warm water hit my skin but it didn't keep me warm enough like how Kairi would.

*knock knock*

Y/n:Who is it?
Y/n:Come in

I heard the door open and closed.

Kairi:I'm going to brush my teeth.
He said.
I reply

I hear the sink turn on turn off.

(A/n:you wet the tooth brush,put the tooth paste,then you wet it again)

After a little,I turn off the water.

Y/n:Kairi can you pass me the towel.
I said putting my hand out

I felt a towel go on my hand,so I brought my hand back inside the shower and covered my body with it.

*12:45 pm*

I just wore some rip jeans with a baggy shirt and my air forces ones.

Kairi and I are right in the kitchen right now,eating some food that Kairi mom made us,while Maiya was in the living room.

Maiya:Wait y/n when are we gonna get our nails done and going to the nail salon?
She said while walking the in the kitchen.
Y/n:So I get my car from North Carolina around 2-4 pm then I will call my nail artist and he does nails pretty fast so that shouldn't take long and then we can go to the mall.
Kairi:And I don't care how girly or boring this is going to be because I get to hangout with you.
He said looking at me.
K/m and Maiya:Awwww

I obviously blush and I hid my face with Kairis shoulder.

(A/n: if ykyk)

Kairi:There is nothing to be scared about.
Y/n:I know buttttt still.

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