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*Y/n POV at Kairi's house*

Kairi is playing his xbox while I was working on the poster for social studies.

Kairi:Hey babe,I have to go to the store real quick,and Maiya is going to be here soon,so is it fine if you can stay here so Maiya dosen't have to be alone when she gets here?
Y/n:Of course
Kairi:OK,do you need anything I need form the store?
Y/n:Uhh no,but can you get me a redbull?
(A/n:I've been liking rebulls lately)
Kairi:Sure,any flavor?
Y/n:Regular is fine,thank you.
Kairi:Alright,see you later.
Y/n:ok bye stay safe.
Kairi:You too ok?

I nodded my head.

Kairi:Alright bye.

He got up from his bed,put his shoes on,and left.

After a few minutes I was still doing my homework but I started to feel a present.Someone's present.Not Maiya's,Kairis,or their Mom,but someone's.I decided to facetime Kairi.

I called him,nothing.I tried again,nothing.I decided to call Mattia.I called him,nothing.

Y/n:Why are they not answering?

I said to myself or at least thought I did.

I tried Alejandro.He picked up.

*In The Call*

Ale:Hey Y/n,wassup?

I put to phone down infront of me amd started my work again.

Y/n:Hey Ale,nothing much to be honest,I got bored and I decided to call you.
Ale:What about Kairi?
Y/n:He went to the store and I tried to call him 2 times but he didn't answer.
Ale:Oh,you ok?You seem alittle tense
Y/n:Uh yea I'm doing fine,it's kinda weird being alone in someone else house.
Ale:Wait why are you alone in Kairi's house?
Y/n:So Maiya dosen't have to be alone when she gets here from school.
Ale:Working on the project?
Y/n:Yea,its easy actually.I can maybe finish tonight to be honst and I will just put our names on the back.
Ale:Oh thats good.

Then the sound of the front door opend.I put my finger over my mouth as a signal to be quiet.He muted himself said he is going to screen record if anything bad is going to happen.I took my phone with me and started to walk out of Kairis room,but slowly.

I started to get more scared.I look back at my phone to see Ale still there.Good. I look over the staris to see no one.So I ran back to Kairis room and hid in his closet.

Ale:What happened?

He said softly.

Y/n:The sound of the front door opend but when I looked no one was there so now I'm hiding in Kairi closet.
Ale:I'm driving over there right now.
Y/n:And your brother?
Ale:He is coming too,hey get ready we are leaving.
Ale:Something is happening so we have to go-you know what,get in the car.

They both got in the car and started to drive over here.

Ale:y/n stay on the phone with me.

I nodded my head.I then slowly hear footsteps coming up the staris.

Y/n:I hear footsteps,please hurry.

I whispered

Ale:We are almost there,please stay on the phone.

I see him driving a bit faster. I kept looking at the phone trying to distract myself,then I see he is coming out of the car with his brother.I hear the door open.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now