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I shake my head and take a big gulp.

Y/n:It's fine, umm I better get going.

I left the house and ran to Xavier. Didn't even said "bye" to them just left.

As I felt his arms go around my waist I started to sob.

I dig my head to his chest, hugging him tighter causing him to do the same with me.

Xavier:I'm so sorry

He sounds like if he wanted to break down too but tried to be strong just for me.


I felt myself get butterflies again, felt myself feel happy again that he is running back to me. I turn around to look at him again. It breaks my heart so much that he doesn't remember me. Doesn't remember our first kiss, first hug, the first date, first 'I love you; to each other. I felt my tears come down my face thinking about how he doesn't remember any of that. Even my own father.

My own father doesn't remember his own daughter. Doesn't remember my first steps, laugh, smile, catch in softball, home run, prom as a normal teenager before I blew up, he doesn't remember any of that.

Mattia: I'm sorry my family and I don't remember you, but, I know you were someone important to me and I want you to help me. I want you to help me remember how important you were to me and for you to help me, your going to have to live around here and I know you don't have where to go unless you are leaving with him.

He points to Xavier which is behind me. He's right, the only option I really do have is to leave with Xavier. I didn't mind Mattia's family stay's in my house, I just wanted to be where ever Mattia is. With him, I felt like I was home, safer in his arms than anything, made me feel warm, made me feel like the only girl in the world.

Y/n: But no one in that house remembers me in the slightest, do they want me to stay there with them? Xavier lives in Georgia, on the plane that's 2 hours away. I don't think me staying is a good idea either way. It would be a mess.

It's true, I want to be with Mattia no matter what but, there will be a big mess in the middle and I rather not go through it.

Mattia: I asked them if you can stay and they said 'yes if you want he can too, we have extra rooms.

He said about Xavier. I wanted someone who does know me a little more than the others. I look back at Xavier for an answer. He nods his head softly and I look back at the hazel eye boy. I nod my head giving him my final answer. Now that I really think about it, I will rather be with Mattia and let the mess come in later.

Y/n: Alright, I will stay

Please God help me

I hold Xavier's hand and walk up to Mattia. I felt a headache come in and it's pounding on me. It hurts so bad from all the crying I did today. Nico is so going to fucking pay, I already know he did all of this with a help of other people. I wonder how he didn't do London. Maybe he didn't know that was Alejandro's girlfriend, maybe thought she was something else.

Mattia turns around and opens the door for both of us. I walk in to see the family on the couch. They turn their heads and look at me. They all have a smile on their face when they see me. I felt like sobbing right there and now. I didn't want to be somewhere that nobody that I care about doesn't know about me.

Xavier felt my hand tighten around his so he smooths my hand with his thumb to try to calm me down but it wasn't really working. God this headache hurts like a bitch.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now