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*Y/n POV*

I was laughing with the boys and we all got closer intill they had to go.

Ale:Alright well I got to go
The rest of the boys:Yea we all do
Y/n:That's ok I get it,well it was nice meeting you guys.
Alvaro:It was nice meeting you too.

We all got up and hugged eachother one by one and they left.So it was only me and Mattia.I was sitting on the chair he had in his room and he sat on his bed.

Mattia:The boys really like you
Y/n:I like them too,they seem chill and cool.
Mattia:Yea they are.
Then we just look at eachother.
M/m:Hey you guys ok?
Y/n:Mhm? Oh yea I was just leaving to unpack.

And I left. I wonder if Mattia's mom didn't come in what would we be doing. Still looking at eachother? We could of kis- WAIT! HE IS MY STEP BROTHER! I can't think like that. I got in my room and just started to unpack and decorated it too.

*Few Hours Later*

It was now 5:47 pm and I was finally finshed with my room.

Dad:Gian!Mattia!Y/n come eat!
He yelled out from downstairs.

And I went out of my room and also saw Mattia.We both went downstairs and went to the dining room table to eat. My dad was at one side of the table,Mattia's mom on the other, Gian across from Mattia and I.

The food was already on the table so we all started to eat.

Dad:Mattia,Gian do you guys like the house so far?
Gian:Yes its amazing its so big and there is so many things you can do!
And my dad and his mom laughed.
Mattia:Its cool I like it finally getting out the basement.
And I chuckled.
We all made small talk and ate dinner.

We were finally done with dinner and I helped Maria (step mom) to put the dishes away.

M/m:Thank you sweetie
Y/n:No promblem I'm glad I can help.

And I went upstairs. I go in my room,grab my towel and went to the bathroom to take a shower.

After I was done I had the towel around my body and walked back to my room. I closed me door,dried myself, and changed into some pj's.

 I closed me door,dried myself, and changed into some pj's

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Pj's ^

Then I turned on the TV but then I heard a knock. (It was already 1 am and everyone is asleep)

Y/n:Come in
Then I see my door open to see Mattia
Y/n:Oh hey is everything ok?
Mattia:Uhh yea I was just bored so I was wondering if I can watch a movie with you.

I moved over so he can sit next me.

Y/n:What movie?
Mattia:I don't care.

And I put on Umbrella Academy. After a few episodes we were still up.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now