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*Y/n POV*

Kairi:Tell me what?

Than I looked at Kairi who is at the door.


Than I looked at Maiya.

I looked her in the eyes and tell her 'please no'.She looks back at me and Kairi.

Maiya:Uhh,fine we will tell you.When we have our sleepover we were going to a prank.
Kairi:You guys were going to do a prank on me?

He gasped very dramatically.Than the three of laughs.

Kairi:Hey Mattia,why are you here?

He said sitting on my bed next to me,holding my hand.Mattia saw every move Kairi was making.He started to  clench his jaw really hard. I think I'm going to have to break things with Mattia. Trust me,I really don't want to but Maiya,my dad,Mattia's mom,Ale,Alvaro,Robert,Roushan.......
Kairi would be disappointed in me.I don't want to disappointed anyone.I love Mattia but like I already said, I don't want to disappointed anyone.


I said looking at Maiya.

Maiya:I called your name 13 time,are you ok?
Y/n:Yea,I'm fine,just some deep thinking you know.

(A/n: Ok now I'm doing the rest on the computer so it maybe different.Actually most likely it would)

Kairi:Are you sure you're ok?                  Y/n:Of course,now what happened with your mom and you?             
Kairi:Oh, well she is mad that I wanted to be with you for a few weeks but I can visit you most of the time.                          Y/n:Well next Monday I start working again and my car is also coming new week.This was my longest break I ever had.Being a singer and influencer is hard.                                                             
Mayia:Your also a singer?                   
Y/n:Yes ma'am, and sometimes I'm an actor,but like I said this is the longest break I've ever had.I will definitely miss Maiya and you Kairi.                                  Mattia:What about me?                            Y/n:Umm your annoying so maybe no.

Than we all laughed.But soon it fades away into a frown, me thinking that I'm going to cut things off with Mattia.I will definitely miss our alone time,his kisses,his hugs from behind and the front,his cuddles,and I will always remember the first night we had.

Y/n:Also Kairi and Maiya if  want you guys can sleep here for tonight and tomorrow we can call the police and they can check around the house for you guys or my security can check?        Kairi:That sounds like a plan, but were is my mom and Maiya gonna sleep?        Y/n:This is a mansions, we have a few guest bedrooms in here, if you want Maiya you can sleep with your mom or you can sleep by yourself but down the hall to your mom just in case if you don't feel safe.                                              Maiya:Sure,I will sleep by myself.Tell me go tell my mom about this.                  Y/n:Ok, tell me when you are ready.  

Maiya nodded her head and left the room.

Mattia:I will leave you guys be.                Y/n:Actually I need to talk to you.Kairi if you want you can chill in here or do whatever you need.                                    Kairi:Oh ok,I will just go with Maiya and my mom.                                   
Y/n:Oh ok,than Mattia we can talk here than.                                                Mattia:ok? 

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now