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*Y/n POV*

Kairi:you went really fast babe
Y/n:I know but I was safe doing it
Kairi:As long you were safe than I am happy.
He kissed my cheek.

I blush and decide to call my nail artist.

*Kairi's POV*

As I go in my house I didn't see Mayia on the couch anymore.I go upstairs knocking on her door.

Maiya:Come in!

I walk in her room.

Maiya:Oh hey Kai where is y/n?
Kairi:She is on the phone with the nail artist.
Maiya:Whats wrong?
Kairi:There is nothing wrong
Maiya:I've known you for 12 years now whats wrong?
Kairi:I- I cheated
I whispered the last part hoping she didn't hear it.
Maiya:You what! With who?when?
Kairi:Shh with umm-
Maiya:Who Kairi?
I whisper
Maiya:You know I really like y/n, she is not like Celia and is rude to me.Y/n always make times for me before she leaves this house! Celia says rude things to me when you guys were together.
She says crying her eyes out.

I feel so bad, I didn't know Celia did this stuff to my own sister and her crying right infront of me telling me all of these good things about y/n.I wanna go back in time and not do that mistake.

Maiya:Do-es Y/n know?

She nodds her head and sits away from me.

Than we saw the door opening seeing y/n in tears.

Y/n:When were you going to tell me?
Kairi:I- I don't know
I said now having tears go down my face.
Y/n:Come on Maiya we are gonna go to my house and do the stuff there.

Maiya gets up and packs clothes in her bag and left without saying a word to me.

After knowing the are out the house I started to cry.Cry knowing I fucking messed up.

I go to my room and just hide under the covers.

Mom:Kairi what happend?
Kairi:I- I messed uppp mom.
I look up to see my mom sitting on my bed.

She taps her thigh as a signal to put my head there.I did what she wanted me to do and started to cry more.

My mom moves any hair I have in my way.

Kairi:I cheated on her with Celia mom.
Mom:Kairi why?
Kairi:I went to this party and I told no one about it and I got drunk like really drunk and of course Celia was there and one thing lead to another.
Mom:Do you love this girl?
Kairi:Yes but most likely she won't give me another chance
Mom:But show her you love her.Its maybe only 3 words but many people say it without meaning it.
Kairi:How when most likely she doesn't want to talk to me?
Mom:Show her off, tell the whole world if you have too but do anything to show you love her.

I started to calm down and think what my mom just said but before anything else I fell asleep.

*Y/n POV*

Maiya and I were in my car,in my driveway crying our hearts out.

Maiya:I'm sorry
Y/n:What did you do?
Maiya:Nothing, but I'm sorry for his actions.

I started to feel bad.

Y/n:There was nothing you could of done.
I hug her.
Y/n:Let's just have fun and forget any of this happend ok?

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now