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*Mattia POV*

Y/n quickly leaves the house before anyone else can stop her. She is walking away and I let her.

She is like sand, slipping through my fingers before I even get a good grip on her. A good grip on her to stay.

I turn on my feet and walk back to the kitchen where the rest of my family are. I didn't feel at home anymore, without her I don't feel at home. She makes me feels things that I can't remember  I felt with my previous relationship. The only thing my brain can't click is her.

I know she was someone important to me like how I was with her. I knew we had something before I lost my memories. I want that something— no the relationship wasn't just something, we were in love, weren't we? I feel so frustrated right now.

I kept thinking about how someone made me forget my memories about her, all in one fucking night. I can't remember our first kiss, first date, first 'I love you', first love I made with her.


I want to break something, punch something till it's in a million pieces. The color I see now is red. I felt my face feel hot, my hand clenching up, my jaw tightening, and felt my body tense up. I look around and saw a mirror.

I walk up to the mirror and look at it. I look at my reflection. I can't remember the person the was so important to me!

I punch the mirror at the end of that thought. I hear the sound of the mirror shattering at my punch. I look and see the pieces of the mirror fall on the floor now. With some pieces, they break even more when they touch the ground.

I hear 3 pairs of footsteps run to me since they heard something break. I look down now at my knuckles to see blood all over them. I don't feel the pain I got from the glass.

Maria: Mattia are you okay?
I hear her say.

I didn't answer. Am I really okay? Earlier when I saw Xavier and Y/n holding hands while they were coming downstairs I wanted to punch Xavier. I wanted to punch him and tell him to back the fuck off and that Y/n is my girl. His perfect jawline, dimples, body, eyes, lips, I just wanted to mess it all up so Y/n can be with me! Why does Xavier have to be so perfect?

Why can't I remember anything? Why can't I remember Y/n? Why the fuck do Xavier and Y/n have to share a fucking room?

I only wanted to be with Y/n right now, nothing else. I wanted to kiss her or cuddle with her and tell her everything would be okay because I saw her leaving it broke my heart. I felt some type of pining sensation in my chest seeing her sad and not happy. I wouldn't be happy either if my family and the love of my life didn't remember me. For Y/n it got to the point where she doesn't even want to stay in the same house as us anymore.

Maria: Mattia!
I turn around to see all of them there. My brother, mother, and her father.
Maria: Come on your bleeding a lot and we don't want glass stuck either.

Even though she got me out of my deep thinking I kept thinking about what's going to happen now. What will happen if I still don't remember Y/n? The fucking wedding? That kid Xavier? If I don't remember her, will she start dating Xavier? Just thinking about Xavier standing next to Y/n alone or not makes me mad. Now that she left with him and most likely won't be back till midnight. I shake my head.

I walk with my mother to the kitchen. I sat on the countertop looking down at my hand. How am I supposed to explain to my mother I punched the mirror because I can't remember the love of my life and I hate the fact that Xavier is with Y/n alone doing something I know she loves so much.

𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐩-𝐛𝐫𝐨𝐭𝐡𝐞𝐫; 𝐦𝐚𝐭𝐭𝐢𝐚 𝐩𝐨𝐥𝐢𝐛𝐢𝐨Where stories live. Discover now